diet plan

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  • #303463

    Can someone please help me on my diet? This is my diet now but I’m not sure if it’s correct

    Meal 1- ground turkey, green vegetable, nuts

    Meal 2(pre workout)- whey protein and coconut oil

    Pwo shake

    Meal 3- chicken, potatoes or white rice

    Meal 4- ice cream, cookies and cereal

    Please critique and adjust. Really need help



    I’m assuming you’re doing Carb Backloading? How many grams of carbohydrates are you ingesting in your backload? How long and what do you do in your workouts? What is your weight, age, height?

    I will say that you can probably completely skip your pre-workout drink.

    I would suggest making a user log and putting your background, stats, daily food, calories and workout routine so we can see a history and what you may be able to change for optimal performance.


    I am carb backloading. I consume 200-300 of carbs, depending on how I feel. I do resistance training for about 60-90min and workout 6 days a week. I am 18, 5ft 10in and 180lbs


    Richard Schmitt

    What is the goal to train that much in the Week? What type of resistance training?


    Sean Congemi

    The goal is to get stronger but leaner. It’s weight training with HIIT cardio 2-3 times a week



    Meal 3- chicken, potatoes or white rice

    Meal 4- ice cream, cookies and cereal

    dunno how you can just eat 200 carbs with that setup ? one teaspoon of icecream half an cookie and one piece of cereal? - for fitness, travel, personal development and more
    - CBL / CNS related content!

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diet plan

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