Does anyone have other examples that I can use for HIIT. I need something for conditioning and fat burning. Is it possible to do something with wights (Olympic lifts) that is easy on the joints?Running worked the best for my heart rate but I am having some issues with my foot so I cant go all out.
This might be something different but swimming HIITs are killer!!1 min crawl at max effort2 minutes floating keeping your body on surface as much as you can without swimming, breathing in, breathing out, slowing down your heart beat.For 5 rounds!I love swimming so this might not be for everyone but if you like it, set your timer and go for it! 🙂
This I do and dread…some days…1-Arm Swing-Right1-Arm Swing-LeftRight Arm High PullLeft Arm High PullRight Side Front SquatLeft Side Front SquatRight Arm Push PressLeft Arm Push Press20/10...Tabata Style yes...I do 2 rounds that's all I can muster
Front squats done tabata style are great. Start with the empty bar and work up in a few sessions. I can front squat 315 and I never do more than 65 on these.