Digestive Concerns- Any Help?

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    Ok a little embarrassing im not going to lie, but i need to know if this is normal. I have not had the need, therfore ability to go “2” since the day after my last carbnite. That puts my last bowl movement somewhere in the afternoon on 6/1/13. I do not eat dairy as part of my meals. Mainly Red Meat and CO. I throw some greens in every now and then. But for the must part keep ULC pretty damn ULC. Any help? Thanks


    Richard Schmitt

    Try taking some digestive enzymes and/or Green Vibrance or Triple Fiber.



    Being that you're only eating red meat and coconut oil, there's not going to be much matter in your system.  There's also little fiber to push things along.  Lastly, you're probably eating less food overall, which will also result in fewer bowel movements.  Give it another day or two before you start to worry.If you really want to push it along, start eating fibrous veggies at every meal.



    i'd eat at least 1 LARGE serving of some sort of vegetable a day.. i eat a couple cups of broccoli or something similar with dinner every night. Also on CN days i take a digestive enzyme pill on my first carb meal and my last. So far have had zero issues with bowel function


    Bradley R. Collins

    Natural Calm will help what is there to come out.



    Added a few cups of broccoli to my daily intake. I was regular by the next day. Thanks for the advise!



    Added a few cups of broccoli to my daily intake. I was regular by the next day. Thanks for the advise!

    Glad its all sorted out



    I actually had this same thing happen. Didn't have the need. I was slightly concerned at first but then realized, it's not like I have to but can't make it happen. My assumption is that between eating a little bit fewer calories by cutting out all carbs and the fact that the body is getting used to using a different energy source since it has not carbs that there was just a little time of adjustment. By day four (without changing a thing) everything… well “went” ok.



    Yea I think that my body just needs some adjusting as well. The first couple weeks though on CNS i was fine though. I think ill just keep some greens in the diet. For me I think it has to do with what i take in on CN itself because the day after my body is ramped up and i go at least three times early on in the day. But then usually the next few days not at all. Interesting stuff…

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Digestive Concerns- Any Help?

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