Do I need fibre supplement?

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    Unsure if I should be using a fibre supplement? I eat a fair bit of veg (not sure what constitutes 'enough') and I don't know if I show any signs of needing more fibre in my diet… what would such signs be? If I were to get a fibre supplement, I am a bit overwhelmed by the choices…. inulin, oat bran, apple fibre, flaxseed… the list goes on! None of them are expensive, just wondering which would be best (if any)?  :-


    You don't need one. Eat some greens, and maybe an oz of nuts a couple days a week.



    you should not need any sort of fiber supplement during CBL or CNS.. if you are having issues being “regular” eat more vegetables high in magnesium.. for gut health i do find digestive enzymes and probiotics useful though



    Yeah, I was thinking I didn't really need one, given I'm regular enough and feel good. What digestive enzymes/probiotics are worth getting? I was looking at one that contained the following;Frutafit® Inulin IQ (FOS) 130mgVitamin C 120mgLactobacillus Lactis 200 million cfuLactobacillus Acidophilus 1.0 billion cfuBifidobacterium Longum 200 million cfuLactobacillus Bulgaricus 100 million cfuLactobacillus Plantarum 600 million cfuBifidobacterium Bifidum 600 million cfuStreptococcus Thermophilus 200 million cfuLactobacillus Rhamnosus 100 million cfu



    i change brands of probiotics almost every time i buy a new one just to get different strains but probably doesn't matter that much..



    Thanks, yeah that makes sense.


    Brian M Eckstrom

    Unsure if I should be using a fibre supplement? I eat a fair bit of veg (not sure what constitutes 'enough') and I don't know if I show any signs of needing more fibre in my diet... what would such signs be? If I were to get a fibre supplement, I am a bit overwhelmed by the choices.... inulin, oat bran, apple fibre, flaxseed... the list goes on! None of them are expensive, just wondering which would be best (if any)?  :-

    if you have to wipe more than ten times when you use the bathroom, thats a sign you need more fiber. not necessarily a supplement, but more fiber rich foods in your diet like: spinach, broccoli, flax seeds. i used to take metamucil every night, but i've switched to a more whole foods based approach and eat lots of baby spinach of flax seeds with my last meal of the day. i like to think of fiber as similar to Drano. if you've got a clogged up pipe, the water is just going to slowly drain out. if you throw some Drano down the pipe, it flushes out the clog and gets things flowing super fast and clean. if you eat lots of fibrous foods, well... you get the analogy.



    Unsure if I should be using a fibre supplement? I eat a fair bit of veg (not sure what constitutes 'enough') and I don't know if I show any signs of needing more fibre in my diet... what would such signs be? If I were to get a fibre supplement, I am a bit overwhelmed by the choices.... inulin, oat bran, apple fibre, flaxseed... the list goes on! None of them are expensive, just wondering which would be best (if any)?  :-

    if you have to wipe more than ten times when you use the bathroom, thats a sign you need more fiber. not necessarily a supplement, but more fiber rich foods in your diet like: spinach, broccoli, flax seeds. i used to take metamucil every night, but i've switched to a more whole foods based approach and eat lots of baby spinach of flax seeds with my last meal of the day. i like to think of fiber as similar to Drano. if you've got a clogged up pipe, the water is just going to slowly drain out. if you throw some Drano down the pipe, it flushes out the clog and gets things flowing super fast and clean. if you eat lots of fibrous foods, well... you get the analogy.

    Not always.. It's not always a black and white issue. Example: If the underlying cause of your issues is something like SIBO, throwing more fiber at it could just exacerbate the situation.If you have "going" issues, either too much, too little, or bad consistency, one of the best places to start is with digestive enzymes.. And tinker from there.

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Do I need fibre supplement?

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