Do you count Protein from plant sources?

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    I was aware of the anti-nutrient properties.  That is why it is recommended, for those who consume soy, to consume fermented soy products, like tempeh (which is fermented tofu).  That said, there are still the estrogens… but, they are phyto, not xeno.I just keep away from soy, period, and I AM a vegetarian.  HAHA.Cory



    I do not count plant proteins towards my baseline total. If they have any additional accumulated benefit fine, but I make sure Im covered with the protein from meats. Plus its such a huge pain in the ass to count such miniscule trace amounts from each food.Count Protein from Protein Foods (Meat, Cheese, Powders)Count Fat from Fat Foods (Meat, Nuts, Oils, Cheese)Count Carbs from Carb Foods (Rice, Potatoes, Breads, Sugars etc) K.I.S.S. Screw everything else IMO.


    Leo Solis

    I was aware of the anti-nutrient properties.  That is why it is recommended, for those who consume soy, to consume fermented soy products, like tempeh (which is fermented tofu).  That said, there are still the estrogens... but, they are phyto, not xeno.I just keep away from soy, period, and I AM a vegetarian.  HAHA.Cory

    Acording to your experience do you think that meat could be absolutly unessary , if eggs and dairy are part of the diet?


    I was aware of the anti-nutrient properties.  That is why it is recommended, for those who consume soy, to consume fermented soy products, like tempeh (which is fermented tofu).  That said, there are still the estrogens... but, they are phyto, not xeno.I just keep away from soy, period, and I AM a vegetarian.  HAHA.Cory

    Acording to your experience do you think that meat could be absolutly unessary , if eggs and dairy are part of the diet?

    Let me start by saying, I am not one of "those" types of vegetarian... the militant, @$$h0l3 types, who bash anyone that doesn't forgoe meat.  Meat is very nutritious, and it is a staple food for anyone who chooses to get their protein via animal sources.For me, being vegetarian by choice, I simply needed to find ways around that.  I do what I do b/c I love to bodybuild, and I wasn't going to let vegetarianism stop me, nor was I going to change my dietary path.  I accepted the challenge, and set out to prove not all 'veggies' are weak, wirey and sickly.  Nor are they the obese types you see who live off cheese, carbs and junk, either.I have been bodybuilding since 2009, seriously-speaking.  October 2009, to be exact.  I was Vegan from 2002-2005, but Veganism was shite, and not logically healthy.  I switched to Lacto-Ovo Veg. in 2005, and have been that way since.  ALL of the muscle I have built has been built sans-meat.So, from my experience, you DO NOT need meat to build muscle, lose fat, gain strength, etc.  Vegans may be more limited, but for Vegetarians who can eat dairy / eggs, there is nothing stopping them but their own effort and drive (which is the thorn in most people's sides).In conclusion:  Meat is fine, but it is not necessary.  I am living proof of that.  Whole eggs, alone, are one of the most completely nutritious foods.  Cottage cheeses and cheeses are close second.There are health benefits / improvements I began noticing as a Veg., too.  I have mentioned some of them before, on the forums, so I won't go into those again.Cory

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Do you count Protein from plant sources?

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