Do you really need to eat vegetables to be healthy?

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    Really enjoying Mark and his articles.. Kiefer stated that vegetables isn't necessary, but they might be a good choice even though.  I think conventional wisdom is highly overrating vegetables (and even more, fruits), though. Mark Sisson on Kiefer's podcast would be awesome!!!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk



    I think this is going to be one of those fads that comes and goes in stages. I agree that you are better off making the core of your diet with nutritionally dense foods like organ and muscle meats, digestable vegetables like tubers (potatoes etc) and fruits. But the idea that you can get everything that is in vegetables and fruits from meat is a bit far fetched even when discounting the macronutrient carbohydrates. Theres still more undiscovered “factors” in foods than discovered ones. And the synergy between them (specific ratios) should not be overlooked either. As an example does anyone know of a source outside of fruit for the flavonoid naringenin?



    As an example does anyone know of a source outside of fruit for the flavonoid naringenin?

    isn't that the stuff in grapefruits?



    As an example does anyone know of a source outside of fruit for the flavonoid naringenin?

    isn't that the stuff in grapefruits?

    Yeah Oranges etc. A good natural aromatase inhibitor.

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Do you really need to eat vegetables to be healthy?

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