Does this new fish oil study affect why we take fish oil here?

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    I saw this and seem to suggest that fish oil is not as magical as once thought with respect to cardio vascular health. Does that affect why we take fish oil here?


    David Margittai

    I saw this and seem to suggest that fish oil is not as magical as once thought with respect to cardio vascular health. Does that affect why we take fish oil here?

    No, not really. The main reason that Omega-3 supplementation is prescribed by Kiefer is because of the studies that have suggested that when supplemented in relatively large doses (>5g) DHA and EPA can enhance the hypertrophic signals associated with resistance training.



    You probably also need it because you don't want your cell membranes to be composed entirely of saturated fat… That could cause some problems


    Brandon D Christ

    Actually I believe Kiefer stated in the CBL book that he was skeptical on fish oil's cardiovascular benefits as well.  However, as mrjiggly pointed out, we take fish oil to lower the viscosity of cell membranes so tGLUT can be translocated more effectively.

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Does this new fish oil study affect why we take fish oil here?

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