Donating blood??

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    Hey guys I'm on carb nite and Wednesday I'm suppose to give blood but my next carb nite is Saturday, what do I do?


    Lasse Elsbak

    What do you mean? Just give blood, it's no problem. I've done it several times while on CNS, and so has some of my friends. I usually go in the mornings, so I'm fasted as well. Your HB values will be a little higher than they usually are, but that's about it.Don't take the cookie, or the juice box or whatever, and don't listen to the techs there about nutrition. Just drink a lot of water, and have an ULC meal afterwards.



    Yep. I've done it on low carb too. No problems at all. Can't harm to have some beef jerky with you.



    Alright guys thanks just making sure I'd be okay


    Wendtbrandon, how did you do?Wouldn't you know it, first time I've given blood in 20 years and it fell during day 7 of my prep phase.  Why haven't I given blood in so long? Well, when I was in college, I passed out at the juice table just after donating.  This morning, I passed out on the donation cot in the middle of donating.  It was horrible, they kept pushing juice and sugary snacks at me and blamed me for not eating breakfast (I was fasted).  I'm convinced that my body just can't handle a 10 % blood loss.



    I did absolutely fine and I gave platelets, I believe that's how you spell them. I felt absolutely great after giving blood, I didn't even feel as If I needed to lie down for 20 minutes just a bit cold!


    Great job Wendtbrandon.  I'm convinced my body just can't handle that much blood loss.  I definitely felt cold afterwards. 



    I gave blood today and I am on day 6 of the prep.  I did fine, was a little more light headed than normal but other than that no issues. 


    Other weird thing for me, is my calves were sore afterwards, like I had done a major calf workout.  They must have been starved for fluid and cramping.  Has anyone else experienced this?

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Donating blood??

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