Dorian Yates on Flouride in the tap water

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    Don't know if you saw this but Dorian Yates is taking on a slightly different role here;  He came out with an article that talks about the dangers of tap water, and how the fluoride is detrimental.  Now i am a pretty firm believer that the government is trying to kill us one by one ( i know that sounds harsh ) but hey..........  bottled water is illegal here..... how crooked is that? they are pretty much forcing tap water on people. - 1 hour 2 minutes 30 seconds (talks about pineal gland /water)


    Brandon D Christ

    Fluoride in water has always been a controversial subject.  It was heavily debated when they first started doing back in the 60s or something.  There are still many municipalities that do not put fluoride in the water.



    Fluoride in water has always been a controversial subject.  It was heavily debated when they first started doing back in the 60s or something.  There are still many municipalities that do not put fluoride in the water.

    Fair enough... but since when has bottled water been illegal?



    Well, bottled water isn't all that great for you either thanks to BPA etc. But yeah. They should stop putting fluoride in tap water. Totally illogical even if it is helpful because some people live off soda, and they are the ones who have tooth issues.


    Brandon D Christ

    Well, bottled water isn't all that great for you either thanks to BPA etc. But yeah. They should stop putting fluoride in tap water. Totally illogical even if it is helpful because some people live off soda, and they are the ones who have tooth issues.

    You can get fluoride drops anyways if you need it.



    Its a good example of Public Health. Mass medication “overall” increases the health of the “population”. Yep, there will be collateral damage. Its the same with Vaccination. Dorian is a self confessed drug abuser, he takes DMT and who knows what else. I respect the guy for his physical achievements but would question his authority on this. Podcasts in general of late seem to be getting more “conspiracy” these days ie: london real, rogan, robb wolf, superhuman radio.I am yet to see hard evidence on fluoride beyond the extreme activist type on the negative aspects of low dosing. Its another thing that may be overblown and more important things to worry about!I personally prefer spring water if available as in our area the water is pretty foul tasting and regularly dirty. As fairy said, the plastics are most likely more of a concern then the fluoride!cheers 🙂


    Brandon D Christ

    Its a good example of Public Health. Mass medication "overall" increases the health of the "population". Yep, there will be collateral damage. Its the same with Vaccination. Dorian is a self confessed drug abuser, he takes DMT and who knows what else. I respect the guy for his physical achievements but would question his authority on this. Podcasts in general of late seem to be getting more "conspiracy" these days ie: london real, rogan, robb wolf, superhuman radio.I am yet to see hard evidence on fluoride beyond the extreme activist type on the negative aspects of low dosing. Its another thing that may be overblown and more important things to worry about!I personally prefer spring water if available as in our area the water is pretty foul tasting and regularly dirty. As fairy said, the plastics are most likely more of a concern then the fluoride!cheers 🙂

    How do you know Dorian Yates "abuses" drugs?  Sure he uses, but abuses?  Plus taking drugs for performance is a lot different than taking drugs for health.



    How do you know Dorian Yates "abuses" drugs?  Sure he uses, but abuses?  Plus taking drugs for performance is a lot different than taking drugs for health.

    Your right, the word "abuser" not the best choice.Of course the big issue in the fluoride debate is freedom of choice due to mass medication. Over here in Oz more and more councils are installing fluoride equipment. I'm sure those millions could be better used elsewhere. Educate parents on good dental hygiene and nutrition.. ie: dont give your teething child coke in a milk bottle at bedtime..Never heard of banning bottled water before. That said, alot of government departments discourage it due to the environmental footprint associated with it here.



    Its a good example of Public Health. Mass medication "overall" increases the health of the "population". Yep, there will be collateral damage. Its the same with Vaccination. Dorian is a self confessed drug abuser, he takes DMT and who knows what else. I respect the guy for his physical achievements but would question his authority on this. Podcasts in general of late seem to be getting more "conspiracy" these days ie: london real, rogan, robb wolf, superhuman radio.I am yet to see hard evidence on fluoride beyond the extreme activist type on the negative aspects of low dosing. Its another thing that may be overblown and more important things to worry about!I personally prefer spring water if available as in our area the water is pretty foul tasting and regularly dirty. As fairy said, the plastics are most likely more of a concern then the fluoride!cheers 🙂

    DMT is not your typical drug... (by the way its a natural occurong chemical).  Even kiefer posted a video about "LIES YOUR GOVERNMENT TELLS YOU"...... so what does that say??  Sorry partner, you cant avoid politics when it comes to highly controversial subjects.  Its all about the facts and setting the record straight.  I know when i first came HERE, kiefer had and still does maintain quite the reputation of "myth buster."  The sad part is that there are a lot more lies out there than TRUTH - if u dont believe it than your naive..... straight up (not trying to offend anyone).  I agree about general medication over the populus and collateral damage for sure!



    Flouride has been shown to cause brittle bones….sucks it you lift heavy lololol. DY was one of the greatest body builders to walk the planet.



    I myself am not a fan of fluoride in water , it is hard to avoid thou  , the nazis used it in wwii for passivity & dumbing the the masses ,and it worked . ,  from what i know, if a person whats to avoid it , there is a few ways , one is drink distilled water instead .



    yall remember the super human radio channel kiefer was on not too long ago? well carl did a very informative segment talking about the dangers of fluoride. might want to check it out whoever is really interested in this issue.

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Dorian Yates on Flouride in the tap water

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