Dumbbell Pullovers

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    Thoughts on this exercise? I noticed Kiefer has shown it in workouts and some of his logs


    Richard Schmitt

    I feel it work my chest, and my core when I perform these.



    I haven't done them because I didn't know about them.  I will definitely try them when I get back home to my gym.  They look good though.



    Primarily works the chest but also targets the lats and triceps. The key is not to allow the dumbbell to go too far forward on the way back up…



    I do them laying on the bench, not across it. John Meadows showed me this method. I feel a great stretch in my lats and sometimes pecs if they are tight. Doing the movement in this method also has some fantastic benefits for shoulder health, in my case and in the case of a few of my lifters.Ly on the bench, not across it, arms are locked out straight, dumbbell is lowered to maximum depth behind the head for a deep stretch, then brought back up until it is just visible to the eye and then back down again. Try for a deeper stretch each rep.



    “I feel a great stretch in my lats and sometimes pecs if they are tight”Great point...that is why I include this exercise in a back workout..


    Naomi Most

    This exercise used to be a staple of my program. It definitely feels good and hits a lot of those center-of-the-chest and upper-abs muscle fibers that often get neglected.It's useful to mention that most people get more activation of the lats using a barbell instead of a single dumbbell.You can turn this into a full-body exercise by doing a jackknife with the legs at the same time that the weight moves down your body.  You won't get the range of motion from this movement that you would from a properly set up pullover on a bench, so I'd only suggest it if you're looking to add a few new moves to a home workout or warmup.  Good movement for medicine ball.



    Personally I never thought of this exercise as a chest exercise. It's basically the same exact motion as a straight arm pull-down, but you never see people do that for chest. I feel like people are confusing "working the muscle" with "putting stress on the joints". The job of the pecs is to move the upper arm forward and in front of you (like in a chest press). A pull-over doesn't do this. You may "feel" it in the triceps, but that's most likely an injury waiting to happen, not your triceps working. Again this is just MY OPINION. To each their own  🙂


    Conrado Tiu

    Personally I never thought of this exercise as a chest exercise. It's basically the same exact motion as a straight arm pull-down, but you never see people do that for chest. I feel like people are confusing "working the muscle" with "putting stress on the joints". The job of the pecs is to move the upper arm forward and in front of you (like in a chest press). A pull-over doesn't do this. You may "feel" it in the triceps, but that's most likely an injury waiting to happen, not your triceps working. Again this is just MY OPINION. To each their own  🙂

    Dumbbell pullovers done in a prescribed way work both lats and chest with out involving the elbows beyond a minimal degree (except during the loading and deloading).  A great lat/chest exercise for those with elbow problems.



    Yes, the DB pullover is a pec movement that also activates the lats. At the angle involved, the pecs pic up most of the load. By the time the lats could really contribute, you're at the end of the movement.See here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVo_VZuSyBc&list=UUJL518suhHO-iLeRB8Ha6wg&index=4&feature=plcpIf you pay attention, you can see the top of her pecs activate through the movement.



    Yes, the DB pullover is a pec movement that also activates the lats. At the angle involved, the pecs pic up most of the load. By the time the lats could really contribute, you're at the end of the movement.See here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVo_VZuSyBc&list=UUJL518suhHO-iLeRB8Ha6wg&index=4&feature=plcpIf you pay attention, you can see the top of her pecs activate through the movement.

    I swear, you pick the most random threads to respond to  🙂


    hahah FACT



    It just depends on where I land that day.

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Dumbbell Pullovers

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