Eat To Perform-Both CBL/CNS Users

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    I'm confused on how to use it


    I'm confused on how to use it

    How to use the ETP calc?It's super easy. You could also just go find a different TDEE calc and find your TDEE that way and you can work your macros out how you'd like.



    Yeah like I'm confused about what to type in for carbs and fat? What about the days we have no carbs?



    I will spell it out for you. Use the faster carbs that are not too junky, allow yourself some tasty crap from time to time and the ULC days are banned. A “ULC” day for me these days is 150 g of carbs.



    I will spell it out for you. Use the faster carbs that are not too junky, allow yourself some tasty crap from time to time and the ULC days are banned. A "ULC" day for me these days is 150 g of carbs.

    +1 even complete rest days when I do fuck all but sleep (today) I have 70-90g of carbs in my last meal. If I train at all I have 1g/lb carbs



    I have carbs everyday.  My rest days are 150-175 my BL are 200-300.  It's great not feeling like shit working out.  I am Lori on ETP, JP.  Just so you know, I know mike knows already.



    Shit really? So today I literally did nothing besides walk around tan, and shoot the shit with my buddies. But tommorow I am planning to do my regular double workout. Should I be eating more carbs today? (I had 180g yesterday btw)



    Yes Mike, unless you plan to have some carbs intra or after your first session, you may gas on the second one. We don't want that happening now, do we?



    No planning to stay ULC until my 6pm workout, but its already 10pm so I just crushed a banana before my mash potatoes that puts me at like 105 ish for the day.



    Mike honest to God you're system is so forgiving at your age that you don't need to worry about a thing.  Just remember all this when you're 40 and 2 kids at home.  That's when you may need to tweak it just a bit.  What I would give and do with what I know now!!  My early 20's would have been more productive in the muscle building dept.



    Mike honest to God you're system is so forgiving at your age that you don't need to worry about a thing.  Just remember all this when you're 40 and 2 kids at home.  That's when you may need to tweak it just a bit.  What I would give and do with what I know now!!  My early 20's would have been more productive in the muscle building dept.

    Yeah I need to remember this more often... Thanks again Lori!

Viewing 11 posts - 76 through 86 (of 86 total)

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Eat To Perform-Both CBL/CNS Users

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