Eat To Perform-Both CBL/CNS Users

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  • #7559

    Richard Schmitt

    Trevor has been sharing this site around the forums and I've seen this through Facebook as well as visiting the site myself. eattoperform.comI really believe this is a great site for those looking to improve through performance and body composition. It has a great calculator to help base your macros or caloric intake for the day. Along with articles to make improvements. I'd personally like to see open conversations about anyone using the information posted on the site, like the calculator. If it helps or not.


    Robert Gray

    I've been looking into it as well.  Seems a little biased towards the nutritional/energy requirements of CrossFit, but interesting nonetheless.


    Richard Schmitt

    Well, even though they mention Crossfit, I like to keep an open mind. Because most of us look towards performance and that is what this site promotes. Thus why I like they're calculator.


    I've been looking into it as well.  Seems a little biased towards the nutritional/energy requirements of CrossFit, but interesting nonetheless.

    This is true, but a lot of us do huge amounts of activity. I know I lift 5-6 days a week, do conditioning of some sort 3-5 times a week, and do fasted walks every morning and I've been feeling kind crappy so I think I need to start upping my calories/carbs slowly.



    I've been looking into it as well.  Seems a little biased towards the nutritional/energy requirements of CrossFit, but interesting nonetheless.

    This is true, but a lot of us do huge amounts of activity. I know I lift 5-6 days a week, do conditioning of some sort 3-5 times a week, and do fasted walks every morning and I've been feeling kind crappy so I think I need to start upping my calories/carbs slowly.

    trevor what sort of conditioning stuff do you do? I wanna start doing some conditioning again but since I lift so much I feel like its going to cut too deeply into recovery and affect my strength.


    Richard Schmitt

    When y'all use the calculator, what caloric percentage do y'all use? The BMR or TDEE? Also how would y'all structure that intake for an ULC day and Backload day? For me I use the moderately active route and BMR.



    I havent used it yet but BMR is what your body uses just to survive, ie lying in bed all day so use your tdee



    I crossfit 5 times a week in the morning. Always involving weights.I then lift 4 evenings a week following 5/3/1 Ive been following eattopreform since he started his fb page. Im at the end of my second week of backloads, 3rd week total including the prep phase.I feel like I may have gained a little fat, though coming from a very low cal diet/paleo low carb, my body was not ready for the backloads I have done. Ive gone a little bit crazy.So starting monday im dialing it way back and doing clean backloads until I see fat loss, then will slowly add back in more. But its a good sight, and he knows his stuff,



    I've been looking into it as well.  Seems a little biased towards the nutritional/energy requirements of CrossFit, but interesting nonetheless.

    This is true, but a lot of us do huge amounts of activity. I know I lift 5-6 days a week, do conditioning of some sort 3-5 times a week, and do fasted walks every morning and I've been feeling kind crappy so I think I need to start upping my calories/carbs slowly.

    trevor what sort of conditioning stuff do you do? I wanna start doing some conditioning again but since I lift so much I feel like its going to cut too deeply into recovery and affect my strength.

    Having looked at your lifting regimen, I would say stay away from much conditioning lol.  It will definitely eat into your recovery to a degree, but since you're already going more than 7 sessions a week, I think it would really get to you.That being said, if you want to do some, I like 8-10 cycles on the rowing machine of 30 seconds balls-to-the-wall followed by 1:30 off and 3 consecutive suicides on a basketball court followed by 2 walking perimeters cycled 8 time.


    I've been looking into it as well.  Seems a little biased towards the nutritional/energy requirements of CrossFit, but interesting nonetheless.

    This is true, but a lot of us do huge amounts of activity. I know I lift 5-6 days a week, do conditioning of some sort 3-5 times a week, and do fasted walks every morning and I've been feeling kind crappy so I think I need to start upping my calories/carbs slowly.

    trevor what sort of conditioning stuff do you do? I wanna start doing some conditioning again but since I lift so much I feel like its going to cut too deeply into recovery and affect my strength.

    Sled work, KB complexes, BB complexes, sprints, BW tabata stuff, and bike sprints



    I've been looking into it as well.  Seems a little biased towards the nutritional/energy requirements of CrossFit, but interesting nonetheless.

    This is true, but a lot of us do huge amounts of activity. I know I lift 5-6 days a week, do conditioning of some sort 3-5 times a week, and do fasted walks every morning and I've been feeling kind crappy so I think I need to start upping my calories/carbs slowly.

    trevor what sort of conditioning stuff do you do? I wanna start doing some conditioning again but since I lift so much I feel like its going to cut too deeply into recovery and affect my strength.

    Sled work, KB complexes, BB complexes, sprints, BW tabata stuff, and bike sprints

    that all sounds awesome, my gym has kettlebells so I will get on that and thanks for the tips Tzanghi I used to love crushing the rower! But I agree I think I am getting a bit ahead of myself and I need to figure out my recovery with my current split before adding in more hahaha



    I've been looking into it as well.  Seems a little biased towards the nutritional/energy requirements of CrossFit, but interesting nonetheless.

    This is true, but a lot of us do huge amounts of activity. I know I lift 5-6 days a week, do conditioning of some sort 3-5 times a week, and do fasted walks every morning and I've been feeling kind crappy so I think I need to start upping my calories/carbs slowly.

    trevor what sort of conditioning stuff do you do? I wanna start doing some conditioning again but since I lift so much I feel like its going to cut too deeply into recovery and affect my strength.

    Sled work, KB complexes, BB complexes, sprints, BW tabata stuff, and bike sprints

    that all sounds awesome, my gym has kettlebells so I will get on that and thanks for the tips Tzanghi I used to love crushing the rower! But I agree I think I am getting a bit ahead of myself and I need to figure out my recovery with my current split before adding in more hahaha

    I hear you, man, I always want to add more stuff in!



    When y'all use the calculator, what caloric percentage do y'all use? The BMR or TDEE? Also how would y'all structure that intake for an ULC day and Backload day? For me I use the moderately active route and BMR.

    Nobles says that rest days and training days should have close to the same amount of calories. Protein and fats should be increased to match the calories that are removed from not eating the carb



    😮 I've made the calculation and the suggested calorie intake is about 2400cals, which seems pretty high. I've been used to eat at about 1400-1500, just recently upped my intake to 1700-1800.My performance isn't the best (well, it's not bad, but could be better!) and I'm feeling cold all the time. Could this be because of I screwed up my metabolism and slowed it down?Should I increase my calories gradually or right away?


    😮 I've made the calculation and the suggested calorie intake is about 2400cals, which seems pretty high. I've been used to eat at about 1400-1500, just recently upped my intake to 1700-1800.My performance isn't the best (well, it's not bad, but could be better!) and I'm feeling cold all the time. Could this be because of I screwed up my metabolism and slowed it down?Should I increase my calories gradually or right away?

    Yes.You want to increase slowly. 200 calories every 1-2 weeks or so.

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