Eat To Perform-Both CBL/CNS Users

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    I agree with trevor. 50 grams of carbs or close to 23 grams of fat is about 200 calories. add this in each week and measure performance and body fat as you go until you hit your maintenance calories.



    Wow. This site has really opened my eyes. Warning…long post.According to the calculator, I should be eating around 3240 cal. My current ULC days have been like this. Training days have been this but swap out dinner fats and add in 200-300g carbs. coffee:1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)1 tsp c-oil (0g P / 4.5g F / 0g C)bfast:3 eggs ( 18g P / 15g F / 1g C)4 strips bacon (16g P / 16g P / 0g C)1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)lunch: 0.75 lb ground beef (84g P / 36g F / 0g C)1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)half red pepper (1g P / 0g F / 6g C)1 C spinach (1g P / 0g F / 1g C)dinner:0.75 lb steak (80g P / 36g F / 0g C)1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)P: 200ishF: 154ishC: probably 10-30gishSo...that's 800 + 1386 = 2186 calories. Somehow I need to shove 800 more cal into my belly? I don't get how I can do that being ULC...further increase P and F? Even at 1:1 (g : g) I'll be at 2600 C. Has anyone tried this site yet? I signed up today to see what he has to say...that's a pretty huge calorie deficit I'm running according to his calculated TDEE. Color me confused.edit: by the way, this is the first time i've counted macros in a very very long time.


    Once you have protein at 1g per lbs you should just raise fat intake or backload on off days with lower carbs but higher fats then you might otherwise.


    Wow. This site has really opened my eyes. Warning...long post.According to the calculator, I should be eating around 3240 cal. My current ULC days have been like this. Training days have been this but swap out dinner fats and add in 200-300g carbs. coffee:1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)1 tsp c-oil (0g P / 4.5g F / 0g C)bfast:3 eggs ( 18g P / 15g F / 1g C)4 strips bacon (16g P / 16g P / 0g C)1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)lunch: 0.75 lb ground beef (84g P / 36g F / 0g C)1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)half red pepper (1g P / 0g F / 6g C)1 C spinach (1g P / 0g F / 1g C)dinner:0.75 lb steak (80g P / 36g F / 0g C)1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)P: 200ishF: 154ishC: probably 10-30gishSo...that's 800 + 1386 = 2186 calories. Somehow I need to shove 800 more cal into my belly? I don't get how I can do that being ULC...further increase P and F? Even at 1:1 (g : g) I'll be at 2600 C. Has anyone tried this site yet? I signed up today to see what he has to say...that's a pretty huge calorie deficit I'm running according to his calculated TDEE. Color me confused.edit: by the way, this is the first time i've counted macros in a very very long time.

    Wow. This site has really opened my eyes. Warning...long post.According to the calculator, I should be eating around 3240 cal. My current ULC days have been like this. Training days have been this but swap out dinner fats and add in 200-300g carbs. coffee:1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)1 tsp c-oil (0g P / 4.5g F / 0g C)bfast:3 eggs ( 18g P / 15g F / 1g C)4 strips bacon (16g P / 16g P / 0g C)1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)lunch: 0.75 lb ground beef (84g P / 36g F / 0g C)1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)half red pepper (1g P / 0g F / 6g C)1 C spinach (1g P / 0g F / 1g C)dinner:0.75 lb steak (80g P / 36g F / 0g C)1 tbsp butter (0g P / 11.5g F / 0g C)P: 200ishF: 154ishC: probably 10-30gishSo...that's 800 + 1386 = 2186 calories. Somehow I need to shove 800 more cal into my belly? I don't get how I can do that being ULC...further increase P and F? Even at 1:1 (g : g) I'll be at 2600 C. Has anyone tried this site yet? I signed up today to see what he has to say...that's a pretty huge calorie deficit I'm running according to his calculated TDEE. Color me confused.edit: by the way, this is the first time i've counted macros in a very very long time.

    One other thing, do you know the calories of your backload days? If your backloads were 800 calories higher then your TDEE then it would even out. He talked about it a little with the interview thing with JL



    Somehow I need to shove 800 more cal into my belly?

    5 words, 2 things: Blood Sausage and Bone Marrow



    Sign me up for marrow or blood sausage, delicious.I guess calories on backload days are basically the same but with 200-350g carbs added in. So I would enter another 800-1400 cal. Putting me 2986-3586 cal on a backload day. So I'm still running a deficit...possibly why I still haven't regained my "umph" in my lifts. So, I'm thinking 2 solutions: 1. eat more F on ULC days 2. Larger backloads with a little more F that before. I still haven't found that point where I "overdid" a backload, so I'm going to start with 2. I'm also thinking about rearranging the days I backload, such that it's the night before heavy lifting days.All this free time is letting me put waaaaaaay too much thinking into this stuff haha.



    Sign me up for marrow or blood sausage, delicious.I guess calories on backload days are basically the same but with 200-350g carbs added in. So I would enter another 800-1400 cal. Putting me 2986-3586 cal on a backload day. So I'm still running a deficit...possibly why I still haven't regained my "umph" in my lifts. So, I'm thinking 2 solutions: 1. eat more F on ULC days 2. Larger backloads with a little more F that before. I still haven't found that point where I "overdid" a backload, so I'm going to start with 2. I'm also thinking about rearranging the days I backload, such that it's the night before heavy lifting days.All this free time is letting me put waaaaaaay too much thinking into this stuff haha.

    Preach, man!  Bone marrow is the bees knees.As for your options, I vote larger backloads.  For one, they're more fun than ULC eating, for two, you've just lifted and nutrient partitioning effects will probably be better.



    One other thing I think a lot of people do, now this is a highly personal opinion, is not enough protein. I myself eat 3 times my lean body mass in kilograms of protein. I'm 195 pounds at 14.5% body fat according to the LBM calculator on (scroll to the body and click on “Free Body Fat Calculator”) which puts me at 75.9 KG of lean body mass. Multiply that time 3, you get 230 grams of protein. According to Beanie's TDEE calculator I need 3360 calories a day. Now, if on rest days I avoid all carbs and eat a 1:1 ratio, that gives me 230 grams at protein at 920 calories plus 230 grams of fat at 2070 calories, added together for a totoal of 2990 calories which is an acceptable deficit to allow for maximum recovery without getting fat.So what do I eat to get this amount? Sausage AND bacon with my eggs in butter, heavy whipping cream and fish oil (to hit the 5 grams of EPA + DHA Keifer suggest requires 20 grams of fat), 85/15 ground beef, whole chicken and chicken thighs, red meat, and coconut oil or milk.


    Richard Schmitt

    One other thing I think a lot of people do, now this is a highly personal opinion, is not enough protein. I myself eat 3 times my lean body mass in kilograms of protein. I'm 195 pounds at 14.5% body fat according to the LBM calculator on (scroll to the body and click on "Free Body Fat Calculator") which puts me at 75.9 KG of lean body mass. Multiply that time 3, you get 230 grams of protein. According to Beanie's TDEE calculator I need 3360 calories a day. Now, if on rest days I avoid all carbs and eat a 1:1 ratio, that gives me 230 grams at protein at 920 calories plus 230 grams of fat at 2070 calories, added together for a totoal of 2990 calories which is an acceptable deficit to allow for maximum recovery without getting fat.So what do I eat to get this amount? Sausage AND bacon with my eggs in butter, heavy whipping cream and fish oil (to hit the 5 grams of EPA + DHA Keifer suggest requires 20 grams of fat), 85/15 ground beef, whole chicken and chicken thighs, red meat, and coconut oil or milk.

    "like" Sorry had to. Very smart thing to do for someone on CBL, and tracks macros. Fine tuning to fit your needs!



    One other thing I think a lot of people do, now this is a highly personal opinion, is not enough protein. I myself eat 3 times my lean body mass in kilograms of protein. I'm 195 pounds at 14.5% body fat according to the LBM calculator on (scroll to the body and click on "Free Body Fat Calculator") which puts me at 75.9 KG of lean body mass. Multiply that time 3, you get 230 grams of protein. According to Beanie's TDEE calculator I need 3360 calories a day. Now, if on rest days I avoid all carbs and eat a 1:1 ratio, that gives me 230 grams at protein at 920 calories plus 230 grams of fat at 2070 calories, added together for a totoal of 2990 calories which is an acceptable deficit to allow for maximum recovery without getting fat.So what do I eat to get this amount? Sausage AND bacon with my eggs in butter, heavy whipping cream and fish oil (to hit the 5 grams of EPA + DHA Keifer suggest requires 20 grams of fat), 85/15 ground beef, whole chicken and chicken thighs, red meat, and coconut oil or milk.

    X-fucking two! Amen to that man, you got this shit figured out. We are very similar in BW I am 190 but around 11-12%bf so 240 seems good for my protein. I have a big problem with keeping protein low, yesterday I ended up at almost 300g...


    Richard Schmitt

    Protein is so damn good though…especially if it's a perfectly grilled huge chicken breasts or grilled spiral ham… ;DAnyways, definitely looking into that site and figuring out the macros based upon caloric needs to maintain if not excel in my performance!



    I hadn't counted macros since attempting (and brutally failing) the zone diet way back in the first days of finding Crossfit (like 7 years ago). Really opened my eyes to see how much more I should be eating. You can also get access to all the articles and online webinars just from purchase of CBL. I know not many are fond of Crossfit (nor am I really, too much fuckarounditis) but ill let everyone know what my impression is from that. The PDF alone has alot of information (kind if cleaned up, interpreted expanded upon and better written version of CbL). Anyway, I'm looking forward to eating more haha.



    I once did a two month consultation with the boys from Lift Big Eat Big. They put me on 275 P a day from whole foods. My pwo shake was 1000 calories ADDED TO my normal pwo meal. I lost 5 pounds the first week



    I once did a two month consultation with the boys from Lift Big Eat Big. They put me on 275 P a day from whole foods. My pwo shake was 1000 calories ADDED TO my normal pwo meal. I lost 5 pounds the first week

    wait what? wanna send me that link?I have been aiming for 270 which is 1.5 x bw but everyone seems to suggest lowerSent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2



    Brandon (LBEB guru) always says "Who tells you to eat less protein? The tiny people."

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