ELECT Rep for Lower Body

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    So I have recently been able to get back into some Leg training and after reading the Shockwave article again, I noticed a statement which I'm not too sure how to take:

    For lower body movements, this should take three seconds, and it should never be dropped.

    Does this mean the three second negative should not be decreased to one or two seconds? Or does this mean that the weight should not be dropped in the SSC for lower body movements? Not releasing tension for squats and deads makes sense, but what about leg presses or leg curls, etc.


    Richard Schmitt

    I assume drop means to not just release that tension like a normal bench ELECT set. Just control the decent and push or pull that weight hard.



    Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Thanks for your thoughts on this Tex.

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ELECT Rep for Lower Body

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