Election time

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    mr a j dickinson

    Hi,As a Brit I'm interested to know the general opinion of people on the presidential election. We only get what is spoon fed to us in the UK. What are peoples thoughts on it?From an outsider looking in I would say Obama has made the best of a bad job and seems a more down to earth choice for another term.


    Richard Schmitt

    Rule of Thumb amongst friends…never discuss Politics and Religion. It seems to cause a huge hateful-worded debate. And causes problems.


    Damon Amato

    That's funny, I actually get my news from the BBC, as all the news networks here are ridiculous and misleading.


    Brandon D Christ

    The election will be close.  Though I despise him, I think Obama will win, but you never know.



    Either way, I'll get to the gym tomorrow. 😀



    Either way, I'll get to the gym tomorrow. 😀

    +1Obama won, I went to the gym...  8)



    Rule of Thumb amongst friends...never discuss Politics and Religion. It seems to cause a huge hateful-worded debate. And causes problems.

    A-fuking-MEN!  because everybody thinks THEY are right  lol... causes nothing but problems



    Rule of Thumb amongst friends...never discuss Politics and Religion. It seems to cause a huge hateful-worded debate. And causes problems.

    A-fuking-MEN!  because everybody thinks THEY are right  lol... causes nothing but problems

    I am always right....



    Rule of Thumb amongst friends...never discuss Politics and Religion. It seems to cause a huge hateful-worded debate. And causes problems.

    A-fuking-MEN!  because everybody thinks THEY are right  lol... causes nothing but problems

    I am always right....



    Brandon D Christ

    Rule of Thumb amongst friends...never discuss Politics and Religion. It seems to cause a huge hateful-worded debate. And causes problems.

    A-fuking-MEN!  because everybody thinks THEY are right  lol... causes nothing but problems

    It depends who the people discussing it are.  Personally I think the fact that people don't discuss political issues is a problem because people get stuck in their own political bubble.  It also allows stereotypes to develop.


    Rule of Thumb amongst friends...never discuss Politics and Religion. It seems to cause a huge hateful-worded debate. And causes problems.

    A-fuking-MEN!  because everybody thinks THEY are right  lol... causes nothing but problems

    It depends who the people discussing it are.  Personally I think the fact that people don't discuss political issues is a problem because people get stuck in their own political bubble.  It also allows stereotypes to develop.

    People need to learn to have a civil conversation that doesn't devolve into personal attacks. I do agree that it needs to be discussed more so we don't have kids swinging the way their parents did for no reason other then their parents did.



    Its the same way with the fitness industry like they discussed in the last podcast with Bret. Instead of getting egos involved and completely being biased against someone elses, or science, decision. Actually have a logical argument without personal attacks and disrespecting someone else's viewpoint.


    Brandon D Christ

    Its the same way with the fitness industry like they discussed in the last podcast with Bret. Instead of getting egos involved and completely being biased against someone elses, or science, decision. Actually have a logical argument without personal attacks and disrespecting someone else's viewpoint.

    Nutrition is almost as bad as politics.  People are really passionate and irrational about Nutrition and to a lesser extent, training.



    Yeah. Almost. Haha. But yeah, i was reading an aritcle on Elifefts last night and it was talking about how all these strength and conditioning coaches have so much complex and not optimal training programs that they are having their atheletes doing. And then there's the complete 180 where they dont know shit and just make them do stuff they did in high school. Read a fucking book. But what do i know, since im only 18….



    Its the same way with the fitness industry like they discussed in the last podcast with Bret. Instead of getting egos involved and completely being biased against someone elses, or science, decision. Actually have a logical argument without personal attacks and disrespecting someone else's viewpoint.

    Nutrition is almost as bad as politics.  People are really passionate and irrational about Nutrition and to a lesser extent, training.

    I just don't have the patience for people's lack of education, ego, and inability to be open-minded.  This is what makes conversing with the "average joe" difficult. There are a lot of uneducated people out there ranting and voicing there opinions and it really makes no sense why they speak to begin with.  I wouldn't be putting myself out there in a conversation to which my knowledge base is completely intermittent... 

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Election time

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