Elevated Liver Enzymes

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    Kiefer,I recently had blood work to test for Celiac Disease as Gluten containing products really don't agree with my system. The G.I. called to review my results and I do not have Celiac, but the test did show elevated liver enzymes. She said this can be from a number of things and we are going to re-test the liver enzymes to see if they are still elevated prior to performing unneccesary testing. She also mentioned they could be elevated from muscle breakdown. Are you aware of anything related to heavy resistance training that could cause this?Thank you,Luke


    Dr. Rocky Patel

    Yes, seen it infrequently and usually spontaneously resolves over a week. You can get serial testing done, also test for CK (enzyme indicating muscle damage/breakdown). Still would rule out all other causes (ie viral hepatitis, fatty liver etc).http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2291230/



    Kiefer,I recently had blood work to test for Celiac Disease as Gluten containing products really don't agree with my system. The G.I. called to review my results and I do not have Celiac, but the test did show elevated liver enzymes. She said this can be from a number of things and we are going to re-test the liver enzymes to see if they are still elevated prior to performing unneccesary testing. She also mentioned they could be elevated from muscle breakdown. Are you aware of anything related to heavy resistance training that could cause this?Thank you,Luke

    I don't know the exact mechanism behind it, but heavy resistance training definitely elevates liver enzymes, had  it tested a few times as well, after leg day they are higher.


    You can always start taking Milk Thistle or even a lot of men's multi's have some liver support



    I started having health problems about 4 years ago. Just a general feeling of being unwell, fatigued, light headed all the time…I had blood work done and my liver enzymes were high as well. I had a test for hepatitis and a liver ultrasound, all which came back normal. My doctor never could figure out a reason. Last year I went back for the same symptoms and my enzymes were still elevated, along with having low platelets and some other abnormal things with lymphocytes and all those things as well. Had blood work again a few weeks back and this time normal liver enzymes! I about died cause its been so long with them elevated. BUT, I have no idea what changed to make them normalize.


    Marty P Koch

    My liver enzymes are always usually right in the middle of the reference range, but last time I got routine bloodwork done, they were about triple the norm.  I had a liver/spleen ultrasound about a year-and-a-half ago and everything was a-ok, so I don't think much could have changed in that regard in the interim.  The PA asked if I had been eating fatty foods recently or been drinking alcohol as that would explain it.  I responded positive to the first, negative on the second, but then the doctor contradicted the fatty foods theory, so she has no idea what it might be at this point.  Two factors I personally am considering that might have thrown the levels off: a) I had my coffee/Coconut Oil concoction right before getting the draw and b) I trained legs that morning.  I am going back this week for follow-up bloodwork and will remember to not have the concoction before I go and have also scheduled the draw for an off-day.  Hopefully everything comes back normal, otherwise I might have a reason to start being a bit scared.



    My liver enzymes are always usually right in the middle of the reference range, but last time I got routine bloodwork done, they were about triple the norm.  I had a liver/spleen ultrasound about a year-and-a-half ago and everything was a-ok, so I don't think much could have changed in that regard in the interim.  The PA asked if I had been eating fatty foods recently or been drinking alcohol as that would explain it.  I responded positive to the first, negative on the second, but then the doctor contradicted the fatty foods theory, so she has no idea what it might be at this point.  Two factors I personally am considering that might have thrown the levels off: a) I had my coffee/Coconut Oil concoction right before getting the draw and b) I trained legs that morning.  I am going back this week for follow-up bloodwork and will remember to not have the concoction before I go and have also scheduled the draw for an off-day.  Hopefully everything comes back normal, otherwise I might have a reason to start being a bit scared.

    I'm sure it was the leg training. No need to be scared, these markers go up and down all the time, if they are constantly elevated over months you can worry. Think about how long it takes for an alcoholoc to destroy their liver, it takes years and years, decades of constant abuse to do that. If you are lean and do sports, there's nothing much to worry about. Rest a full weekend and have blood drawn without haven eaten anything, then you will have a clearer result.


    Marty P Koch

    Thanks for the encouragement and guidance, TokyoLifter!Tomorrow morning is an off-day for me, and I go in for a draw (fasted) about 11:30, so hopefully the results will look better.



    She did ask about the resistance training as well. As I had not trained that morning I didn't think it was from that, but they could have been elevated still from the previous nights session. I had blood work again and they were back to normal. Thanks for the input guys.


    Marty P Koch

    I had blood work again and they were back to normal. Thanks for the input guys.

    When you re-tested, how long had it been since you last trained?  I am curious because...  My own re-test came back in high again.  It was an off-day, but I had trained the previous two days (ShockWave HeavyDuty).  I don't drink, don't take AAS, take only age management/longevity supps (multi-vit/mineral, CoQ10, probiotic, curcumin for arthritis, Vit C, D3) I have resisted taking RA drugs so far due to liver toxicity, so I am quite puzzled.  The only thing that changed since my last normal panel result is my embarking on CNS and now CBL.  Doctor is of course pointing to the high sat fat content of the diet, poo-pooing the whole concept of the resistance training as culprit and so is contemplating funneling me now to a GI specialist after some more expansive bloodwork...



    I know this is an ollllld topic, but it's exactly relevant to my issue. I did a brief stunt with Halodrol which is a pro-hormone, but after only a week and a half my liver enzymes (ALT) went from 36 to 163…I stopped immediately and cycled off.I know that methylated pro-hormones are hepatoxic, but 7 weeks later I got retested and my levels were at 18-...even worse than while I was on the prohormone. Then my doc ordered a whole battery of tests (like 10 or so) which all came back within normal ranges. So I re-tested my ALT levels last week and my levels were down from 180 to 60 in 7 days.This week (7 days from the previous ALT result of 60) I got re-tested and my ALT level was at 62. I am trying to figure out what the cause for the high ALT levels are...and if in fact it is my liver. I normally drink on the weekends, but haven't had a sip of alcohol in over 3 weeks since my original 180 ALT result. I take milk thistle and do Carb Nite (switched from CBL 2-3 weeks ago). It is worth noting that prior to my original 163 test result, my ALT levels were withing normal range at about a constant low 30's level for years.Could heavy resistance training be causing this? I have switched from 1 coffee with coconut oil in the morning to 2 coffees both with heavy whipping cream (one in morning and one preworkout), could this be contributing? I have been taking milk thistle as well.... Any help or advice would be GREEATLY appreciated because this has me very concerned!

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Elevated Liver Enzymes

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