Yep I just got mine in the mail today! I'm worried about the "casein" but being lactose free, we'll see
hydrolyzed casein should bother you at all.I have an intolerance to casein and I normally get bad joint pain from it but I've been using pepto-pro for a few weeks and the only thing I've got from it is better recovery.
Yeah I'm lactose intolerant, I don't do well at all with dairy. Casein...not sure I haven't had any type of casein.
There wont be any type of lactose in there either.I'd almost bet you are casein intolerant rather then lactose. Most people who have issues with dairy have issues with casein, not the lactose.
Do you personally know how to tell the two apart when testing for the intolerances? Reason I ask because I drink cow milk I bloat up, stomach hurts, and I get horrible gas along with trips to the toilet. Cheese...well haven't had any cow cheese, goat on the other hand yes. Uhh...haven't had any yogurt, sour cream, cream cheese or forms of.
That makes me think it's casein.Most cows have type A-1 casein. There is a breed that has A-2, but it's hard to find and expensive.All goat dairy on the other hand has A-2 casein. a-1 casein has a lot of inflammatory problems and some auto-immune reactions.