Endurance, Obstacle Course Mud Runs

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    Hey everybody!Curious, are any of you interested in, or have participated in any other the 5k, 10k etc obstacle course races, like the Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, goRUCK, Zombie runs?I actually did the Warrior Dash and the Zombie Run, pretty fun to do with friends, was just interested in knowing if anyone else has done these.I am in the Missouri area and plan on doing the Tough Mudder in April 2013.- Matt



    I did tough mudder at Mount Snow, Vermont in July. It was long but fun! I could sit there all day watching people get shocked to shit with the electrified wires .. SO FUNNY! (except when it was happening to me..)



    Nice! I did a zombie 5k obstacle run, and after swimming through mud, I had to run through a smoked out house with those wires..... and WOW. Getting shocked is not fun! lol.Def looking forward to this one in April, would love to find people in my area to go with! It'll be myself and a buddy of mine I was in the Marines with.Love the teamwork and the beer afterwards!



    Those wires made me feel like a glob of jello .. the funniest is when people would get shocked and completely lose muscle control and eat shit in the mud HA!I think the Tough Mudder I did was 11 or 12 miles but it was up a ski mountain in the middle of July which was pretty shitty but definately worth the experience! That's funny you are going with your marine friends, I ended up making friends with some Marine's while I was doing the race because I needed a boost over one (or maybe is was 3..) of the walls ... which were so freakin tall! I liked the short people obstacles much better haha!You will def love it though. I think they should give you at least 3 beers at the end however!



    Yeah, I can't say there are ski mountains in Missouri haha… Yeah I felt that shock through my bones lol.It is such a great time! Ours will be 10-12 miles as well, looking forward to it. Beer never tasted so good after those runs lol. Such a great atmosphere.

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Endurance, Obstacle Course Mud Runs

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