Exercise with CNS

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    I am new to CNS. I am just finishing my first week of re-orientation. I have a question about exercise while following the CNS protocol. I typically weight train 3 days a week and do HIIT (high intensity interval training) 3 times a week. In the book, Kiefer says not to do high intensity cardio. My HIIT sessions are usually 25 min during which I do 5 sprints each 45 – 60 seconds (85-95% max heart rate) in duration followed by 3-4 minutes of rest. Is it ok to continue this exercise? Also, during my weight training sessions (about 1 hour long) I wear a heart monitor and my heart rate is in the high intensity (80 to 90%) range about half of the time. Is it ok to continue this? I look forward to your feedback.
    Thank you



    Dave, whats are your body stats? Weight, height, body fat.

    I would potentially cut the HIIT to once maybe twice a week in exchange for walking.
    You will find yourself struggling and easily burnt out with that much volume on CNS.



    6’1″, 188 lbs, 21% body fat.
    I’ve been following that workout schedule for the past two weeks and so far so good. I just don’t know the impact of that level of exercise on the hormones and enzymes in my body in relation to CNS. The fat and protein days are in line with a Keto diet, and I don’t believe there is a problem with maintaining a workout schedule like mine on a Nurtritional Keto diet (but I’m new to this, so I could be wrong).

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Exercise with CNS

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