Failure is not an option…a post for Cory McC

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    Someone pinged me the article below and it reminded me of your posts today regarding me and my crap attitude.  I don't know who the guy is that wrote the blog, but he is spot on right and you are as well. attitutude is changing....NOW.Thank you very much, Cory.  Seriously, don't pull punches, you tell it like it is, and I needed it.Kathy


    Someone pinged me the article below and it reminded me of your posts today regarding me and my crap attitude.  I don't know who the guy is that wrote the blog, but he is spot on right and you are as well. attitutude is changing....NOW.Thank you very much, Cory.  Seriously, don't pull punches, you tell it like it is, and I needed it.Kathy

    Calling me out personally on the forums, I see.  🙂It worked, and here I am.  LOL.Glad I could inspire you to change your attitude, and I will read that blog (and follow-up).  I am about to head out for the gym, so limited time at this moment.I am no bullshit, and I don't fucking candy-coat anything.  If you're fucking up, I will tell you.  As I've said before, lies and hollow compliments help no one.  The truth, in all of her brutal glory, opens eyes.Cory


    Great fucking article, and just my style of writing!  ;DA lot of what he says sounds like what I say... including the "no better time than now" philosophy.It even had some Van Damme in there (including a picture), so he got himself some points in my book!!!  ;DThanks for sharing!  🙂Cory



    C&P and LRB are my two favourite liftan blogs. jamie and paul have both put out great ebooks, write great articles, and do a decent podcast every week to boot. great stuffedit: watch out if you browse at work - chaos and pain is most definitely not safe for polite company



    Love that article 😀


    Someone pinged me the article below and it reminded me of your posts today regarding me and my crap attitude.  I don't know who the guy is that wrote the blog, but he is spot on right and you are as well. attitutude is changing....NOW.Thank you very much, Cory.  Seriously, don't pull punches, you tell it like it is, and I needed it.Kathy

    Calling me out personally on the forums, I see.  🙂It worked, and here I am.  LOL.Glad I could inspire you to change your attitude, and I will read that blog (and follow-up).  I am about to head out for the gym, so limited time at this moment.I am no bullshit, and I don't fucking candy-coat anything.  If you're fucking up, I will tell you.  As I've said before, lies and hollow compliments help no one.  The truth, in all of her brutal glory, opens eyes.Cory




    Read it again last night, then threw some iron around….my 'tude has changed.And this guy's style of writing is up my alley....he says fuck in conversation as much as I do.  ;D


    Read it again last night, then threw some iron 'tude has changed.And this guy's style of writing is up my alley....he says fuck in conversation as much as I do.  ;D

    Keep that change in attitude!  Nurture it!Cory


    Marty P Koch

    edit: watch out if you browse at work - chaos and pain is most definitely not safe for polite company

    No doubt!  I went there at home and had to kill it quick before the kids wandered into our office...



    Yup. I was reading one of these articles on the subway and some perplexed guy was looking over my shoulder. BOOBS on my iPhone.I actually don't care haha 🙂


    Yup. I was reading one of these articles on the subway and some perplexed guy was looking over my shoulder. BOOBS on my iPhone.I actually don't care haha 🙂

    Oh, yeah... the article with boobs.  LOL.  Definitely NSFW.  The natives would get restless, in a variety of ways... and it'd be all my fault.  LOL.Cory



    for those of you interested, the latest chaos and bang podcast is a veritable kiefer-fest…chaos & bang DH edition



    Oh my god! I can't believe I forgot my earphones today!!I'll have to listen while I'm gorging cake tonight. Thanks for the heads up!! 😀


    Richard Schmitt

    Thanks for posting that. Currently downloading it and will play it today


    for those of you interested, the latest chaos and bang podcast is a veritable kiefer-fest...chaos & bang DH edition

    Thanks for sharing!Cory

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

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Failure is not an option…a post for Cory McC

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