Fake-food scandal revealed as tests show third of products mislabelled

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  • #10682



    Crazy shit….Really makes you think about what your eating on the daily.



    Crazy shit....Really makes you think about what your eating on the daily.

    yea yet another reason to avoid a majority of pre-packaged and heavily processed foods... granted this test was in Europe i doubt the USA is much better in this regard



    Crazy shit....Really makes you think about what your eating on the daily.

    yea yet another reason to avoid a majority of pre-packaged and heavily processed foods... granted this test was in Europe i doubt the USA is much better in this regard

    That's why I keep my diet full of whole foods. The only processed foods I eat are on my CN and even on a CN I can keep it to whole foods if I wanted. Thinking back on how I use to eat/live (shakes head) I'm not sure I'd even be alive today because of the poisons and crap in just the food I was eating had in it.

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Fake-food scandal revealed as tests show third of products mislabelled

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