Fat Cells

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    Richard Schmitt

    I was going through websites about fat loss, etc, and came across something that was interesting to me. Being a fat kid as a child, and through my high school years, I never really thought that it would hold a “grudge” as I got older. From what I understand is that you develop these fat cells as a kid, especially being an obese child, and they continue to expand/grow as you get older. Making it that much more difficult to lose as age progresses, and when trying to lean out or cut after a bulk. A lot of us can probably bulk up no problem, but even when doing a “clean” bulk you expand these fat cells…fat without making it that much more difficult to lower body fat, at least this is what I understand and guessing. I'm not a scientist or have a intelligent science background. http://www.ehow.com/about_6660437_definition-fat-cell_.html



    As a recovering fat guy – fat as a kid, teenager and adult – I can vouch for the fact that the older you get the harder it is to take the fat off! I have yo-yo'd for most of my life, the most success coming with the South Beach plan almost 10 years ago: I lost 50 lbs with no extra exercise and got so happy I decided I could eat everything again – OOPS!


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah I never want to go back to being fat again…I don't care what I have to do, I promised myself I wouldn't


    Naomi Most

    I'm sure you guys know by now, this is Kiefer's story: grew up fat, changed his metabolism. Now it is actually difficult for him to get fat — although I'm sure he could hack it if he chose to!What you won't read on ehow.com is that you can epigenetically change your metabolism, you can kill fat cells, and you can even change the foods you crave, all by formatting your diet and doing particular forms of exercise.The idea that it gets harder to lose fat as you get older is basically true, but it's definitely not nearly as hard as people have MADE it for themselves by eating in a way that consistently up-regulates the genes that tell the body that fat storage is the #1 priority.Meanwhile, people who follow Carb Nite or Carb Back-Loading for the long haul, making this their lifestyle, find it gets easier and easier over time.  It's just not a struggle -- certainly not on the order of the sheer force of WILLPOWER it takes to lose fat by counting calories.So you are doing yourselves long-term good by following this program.  Don't think of it as a diet; think of it as a system of reprogramming your genes, and the gift of a better metabolism to your older self.


    Damon Amato

    lol ehow…..vnp ma'am.



    I'm sure you guys know by now, this is Kiefer's story: grew up fat, changed his metabolism. Now it is actually difficult for him to get fat -- although I'm sure he could hack it if he chose to!What you won't read on ehow.com is that you can epigenetically change your metabolism, you can kill fat cells, and you can even change the foods you crave, all by formatting your diet and doing particular forms of exercise.The idea that it gets harder to lose fat as you get older is basically true, but it's definitely not nearly as hard as people have MADE it for themselves by eating in a way that consistently up-regulates the genes that tell the body that fat storage is the #1 priority.Meanwhile, people who follow Carb Nite or Carb Back-Loading for the long haul, making this their lifestyle, find it gets easier and easier over time.  It's just not a struggle -- certainly not on the order of the sheer force of WILLPOWER it takes to lose fat by counting calories.So you are doing yourselves long-term good by following this program.  Don't think of it as a diet; think of it as a system of reprogramming your genes, and the gift of a better metabolism to your older self.

    This is so true. I'm finding it easier and don't go so overboard on my CN. Mostly b/c the thought of puking up swiss cake rolls is disturbing.

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Fat Cells

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