Fat Fight

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    So my Biology Professor was rambling on about how CO was the worst thing for you body, and how if you ate it you would surely be obese and die of a heart attack, along with talking about how low/no carb diets will give me metabolic shock, kidney failure etc Haha. I showed him my macros on MFP, and my intake of CO (75-100g a day). Then showed him http://instagram.com/p/eICUoOoXKK/ and asked if I was obese, and if I looked as if I was near the point of heart attack, kidney failure, etc. Fat Fight-and I won.



    unfortunately the worst people imaginable after WWII become the lead voices on heart disease even though all the data prior proved dietary fat was not the cause of heart disease they still went ahead with it and sadly it's still taught today because of them…







    Thanks! 🙂



    I recently bought coconut oil from Sams club (organic & cold pressed, pretty happy to find it there!) and as we were getting our receipt scrutinized by the door-man he asked what we were using the coconut oil for, I told him “Positively everything.” We then started swapping uses for coconut oil until another exiting customer came behind us. Pretty cool. I've run into a lot of people that know and use coconut oil but I have yet to come across someone raving AGAINST coconut oil. Frankly, I'm curious, what in the world do they negative about it??? I have to ask, did he know what kind of diet you were on or that you use coconut oil before he started raving badly about it? Or was it just he picked the wrong man to start talking to?



    I recently bought coconut oil from Sams club (organic & cold pressed, pretty happy to find it there!) and as we were getting our receipt scrutinized by the door-man he asked what we were using the coconut oil for, I told him "Positively everything." We then started swapping uses for coconut oil until another exiting customer came behind us. Pretty cool. I've run into a lot of people that know and use coconut oil but I have yet to come across someone raving AGAINST coconut oil. Frankly, I'm curious, what in the world do they negative about it??? I have to ask, did he know what kind of diet you were on or that you use coconut oil before he started raving badly about it? Or was it just he picked the wrong man to start talking to?

    saturated fat.. many people still beleive saturated fat is the cause of heart disease and obesity among other things



    I recently bought coconut oil from Sams club (organic & cold pressed, pretty happy to find it there!) and as we were getting our receipt scrutinized by the door-man he asked what we were using the coconut oil for, I told him "Positively everything." We then started swapping uses for coconut oil until another exiting customer came behind us. Pretty cool. I've run into a lot of people that know and use coconut oil but I have yet to come across someone raving AGAINST coconut oil. Frankly, I'm curious, what in the world do they negative about it??? I have to ask, did he know what kind of diet you were on or that you use coconut oil before he started raving badly about it? Or was it just he picked the wrong man to start talking to?

    He had no idea. For the last few classes hes been ranting about Animal Fat, and low carb diets, but when he mocked my Coconut Oil he crossed the damn line haha. I had to say something at that point.


    Brandon D Christ

    There is also a famous study that was done in the 80s that showed coconut oil causes an increase in LDL.  Problem with that study was that hydrogenated coconut oil was used and changes in diet often cause shifts in blood chemistry anyways.  Additionally, it's debatable if high LDL (not VLDL) is even a bad thing.



    There is also a famous study that was done in the 80s that showed coconut oil causes an increase in LDL.  Problem with that study was that hydrogenated coconut oil was used and changes in diet often cause shifts in blood chemistry anyways.  Additionally, it's debatable if high LDL (not VLDL) is even a bad thing.

    Indeed, there is forms of CO that will be bad for you. The way it is extracted "cold pressed or otherwise" will change the make up of it, along with how the body utilizes it. The same goes with Animal Fat, being grass fed or not DOES make a difference.

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