Fat loss stall on CBL

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    hi guys any of you who have tried stalling your fat loss on CBL by trying to accelerate it with scaling back on the carb feeds? right now I'm doing a 4 days training split, but only back loading on two of those, since I'm emphasizing fat loss a bit more than muscle gains. I think my fat loss has stalled a bit, and I'm thinking if my adjustment (to actually accelerate my fat loss) could be the reason. any ideas? thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    I think my fat loss has stalled a bit, and I'm thinking if my adjustment (to actually accelerate my fat loss) could be the reason.

    It's possible. Especially if by cutting out those carbs you put yourself in a larger energy deficit and you're causing your metabolism to down-regulate. Not necessarily saying that's what happened to you, but it's possible.I'm also a believer in periodizing diet just like you would a training program. So maybe switching to pure CNS for like two weeks, then jumping back into CBL could help shock things back into progress again.



    okay, thanks for the advise!!i'm having a hard time figuring calories out on both CNS and CBL, since the books doesn't mention it..??also, do you think that a smaller back-load on every training day is better than two lager ones (at my 4 days training split)? i'm around 12-11% bf, aiming for just a few % lower...


    Brandon D Christ

    If you are doing CBL, I'd opt for smaller backloads over cutting out backloads.  Your results will be better.



    thanks, ibobland08 โ€“ huge help. it have been difficult to find information about this.so, how long should back loads be then? within how many hours from training?and, would a dinner of meat and rice/potatoes, and maybe a small dessert seem reasonable?again - i'm emphasising dropping a few percentage points of body fat, although gaining a bit of muscle would be okay ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Brandon D Christ

    thanks, ibobland08 - huge help. it have been difficult to find information about this.so, how long should back loads be then? within how many hours from training?and, would a dinner of meat and rice/potatoes, and maybe a small dessert seem reasonable?again - i'm emphasising dropping a few percentage points of body fat, although gaining a bit of muscle would be okay ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I think the carb amounts is much more important.  If you only need 200 g of carbs or less, than I think having them an hour after training is appropriate.  If you train relatively early in the afternoon I would just make it the last meal before bed.



    okay, I train around 4 or 5 pm, so I suppose that eating the carbs for dinner (6 or 7 pm) would be fine? and maybe a small desert or another PWO shake around 8 or 9, if not hitting the carb amount at dinner, yeah?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Brandon D Christ

    okay, I train around 4 or 5 pm, so I suppose that eating the carbs for dinner (6 or 7 pm) would be fine? and maybe a small desert or another PWO shake around 8 or 9, if not hitting the carb amount at dinner, yeah?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Sounds good to me.



    alright, thanks man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Fat loss stall on CBL

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