Fat on-the-go…. Ideas needed.

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    Going to be out of town on business next week and away from my normal routine. I think I'll be fine avoiding carbs, but am concerned about finding enough fat to balance my protein intake. I doubt I'll be able to find hwc for my coffee, but do plan on bringing coconut oil and/or MCT oil with me. I was also thinking nuts. And if I can get to a market I will try to get my hands on some avocados (I mean, I'll be in Cali I better get me some fresh avocados!)I'm staying at an historic hotel so doubtful there will be a fridge in the room. Any ideas on what else I could bring with me to get my fats in on this trip?Thanks!



    You know those little sachets of (pure) butter restaurants and cafes often have hanging around the counter? They're usually about a tsp worth. I load up on them and if I'm on the go I just drop a couple into my coffee…


    Richard Schmitt

    I've had this same problem when I'm on the move and places don't have what I/we need. What I did was pack some coconut oil in a ziploc bag, making sure that I have a couple days (mornings) worth. Just using a TBSP at a time can last a while, but yeah try to snag some of the small butter packets that you can find along the way. If you're planning on taking nuts, buy some macadamia nuts. Those help and work. I know that this is off topic from what you posted, but I was curious to know as well, with being on the go, and not having access to HWC or Coconut Oil, will butter be ok in coffee for the morning times? Just by itself? I could sweeten it with Splenda packets, but afraid of the trace-carbs.


    Brandon D Christ

    I don't think the butter from resturants are a good idea.  I have never been to a resturant in my life that actually had real butter, it is usually margarine.  Whenever I travel for work I always bring nuts for one or two snacks.  Then for dinner I have a ribeye steak with broccoli.  Typically ribeyes have basically a 50/50 fat to protein ratio by grams, so usually it is ok.Bringing coconut oil and just eating it out of the jar would be a good idea to.  Also you can always run through mcdonalds, order a burger with no sauces and just throw way the bun.


    Conrado Tiu

    I don't think the butter from resturants are a good idea.  I have never been to a resturant in my life that actually had real butter, it is usually margarine.  Whenever I travel for work I always bring nuts for one or two snacks.  Then for dinner I have a ribeye steak with broccoli.  Typically ribeyes have basically a 50/50 fat to protein ratio by grams, so usually it is ok.Bringing coconut oil and just eating it out of the jar would be a good idea to.  Also you can always run through mcdonalds, order a burger with no sauces and just throw way the bun.

    +1 on the butterIf you call ahead, even historic hotels can oftentimes supply you with a fridge.  Try it anyways.  it always worked for me.  If there is a local Trader Joe's you're set (they have organic stuff, grass fed butter and cheeses, etc.).  If you like them, pork rinds are usually around 50/50 fat/protein, depending on the kind.  Get the plain ones, look at the ingredients label.  The flavored ones have all sorts of other gunk, especially those sold in gas stations.


    Pork rinds is exactly what I was just going to say. Almost every breakfast place serves sausage as well a lot of grocery stores have different types of hard meats like pepperoni and salami etc.They all have tons of fats and are quite portable.



    Great ideas, thank you all. I know our organic ranch/butcher does pork rinds with presumably little added. I'll go pick some up. I think that, plus coconut oil and raw unsalted macadamia nuts, and some PB Quest bars should have me set for the week.


    Richard Schmitt

    Do those quest bars work with CNS? I'm curious about those.



    Some (including my fave flavor) contain 1g sugar alcohol. 🙁But some are fine if you balance out the protein/fat ratio with a few nuts. The PB and PB&J ones I picket up yesterday are: 210cal, 20g pro, 10g fat, 21g carbs - 17g fiber = 4g usable carbs.


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah! *making a cross with my fingers* sugar alcohols!! Noooo! I wanting to try them though.



    Only the “all natural” line contains sugar alcohol. But the rest are “safe” as far as I can tell. To get around the 10+ g of protein related insulin spike I tend to eat half in the AM with a couple nuts or a piece of cheese, and same in the PM.


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh ok cool, well good luck on your trip ma'am, and have fun with it too. =D

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Fat on-the-go…. Ideas needed.

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