Kiefer talks a lot in the book about how smoking keeps people thin. That totally surprised me because I've seen lots and lots of very fat smokers. Is it really common convention that most smokers are thin?
Kiefer talks a lot in the book about how smoking keeps people thin. That totally surprised me because I've seen lots and lots of very fat smokers. Is it really common convention that most smokers are thin?
The chances are they were fat before they started smoking... THEN thought it would be a good idea to start as another avenue of trying to lose weight... At least that's how it happened with me
I think they've done epidemiological on tobacco and marijuana smokers and found they on average tend to have a better body composition than non smokers. I think it is true because:1. Tobacco smokers probably don't overindulge in food as much as non-smokers. They don't need to because smoking is a replacement for that.2. Marijuana smokers tend to be younger and a "hipper" crowd. So they are less likely to be fat based on that.
Fat smokers probably come under the general bucket of people who don't give a rat's ass about their health, nothing to do with the effect of the nicotine. If anything, they'd probably be even fatter if they didn't smoke.