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    I'm having an issue getting enough fat into my diet, I think. Just realized that too much avocadoes are a no no. 🙁Adding coconut oil, heavy cream, and coffee to every meal. Adding more bacon to my foods and pork rinds and cheese.I am cutting my meat portions down to a 1/2lb of ground beef or just 1 chicken breast per meal. I can easily eat double that.Man, better go pick up some Sugar Free Metamucil. lolWill this help me lean out faster? I'm lifting 4x a week & lifting heavy.



    Fatty meats can add a lot of fat to your diet. Some steak cuts are pretty high fat content.. could use fattier ground beef as well like 80:20. That with coconut oil and your heavy cream and the bacon should add up to a good amount of fat.. also olive oil is a good one I cook vegetables in it


    Richard Schmitt

    You don't know getting in the good dietary fats are NOT bad? Unless you're drinking olive oil you're fine! Fats are needing to be dominant over protein.



    Cook everything in butter and throw more butter on top.I'm roughly eating 2 tubs of kerrygold a week at the moment.



    So, I see people saying a 1:1 ratio. If this is true, I'm probably way over on fats. Cooking in butter, eating bacon, and drinking bulletproof coffee.Is this going to be a problem? What happens when I'm this much over in fat? Will it slow my progress?


    So, I see people saying a 1:1 ratio. If this is true, I'm probably way over on fats. Cooking in butter, eating bacon, and drinking bulletproof coffee.Is this going to be a problem? What happens when I'm this much over in fat? Will it slow my progress?

    It all depends on what you caloric expenditure is. In some cases' it's better to be way high on fats.Even staying at around 2400-2600 calories (a pretty large deficit for me) I have my protein at 150g and my fat around 200g


    Brandon D Christ

    I'm having an issue getting enough fat into my diet, I think. Just realized that too much avocadoes are a no no. 🙁Adding coconut oil, heavy cream, and coffee to every meal. Adding more bacon to my foods and pork rinds and cheese.I am cutting my meat portions down to a 1/2lb of ground beef or just 1 chicken breast per meal. I can easily eat double that.Man, better go pick up some Sugar Free Metamucil. lolWill this help me lean out faster? I'm lifting 4x a week & lifting heavy.

    Well it depends.  On a low carb diet you need to be fat dominant, so if you were previously not fat dominant than it can help.  However, if you were already fat dominant, adding fat for the sake of adding fat probably won't do anything.  Most likely it would slow down fat loss.  You would probably need to cut protein down if anything.



    I'm having an issue getting enough fat into my diet, I think. Just realized that too much avocadoes are a no no. 🙁Adding coconut oil, heavy cream, and coffee to every meal. Adding more bacon to my foods and pork rinds and cheese.I am cutting my meat portions down to a 1/2lb of ground beef or just 1 chicken breast per meal. I can easily eat double that.Man, better go pick up some Sugar Free Metamucil. lolWill this help me lean out faster? I'm lifting 4x a week & lifting heavy.

    Well it depends.  On a low carb diet you need to be fat dominant, so if you were previously not fat dominant than it can help.  However, if you were already fat dominant, adding fat for the sake of adding fat probably won't do anything.  Most likely it would slow down fat loss.  You would probably need to cut protein down if anything.

    If you do decide to keep fat the same, and lower protein (raising fat:protein ratio and simultaniously lowering daily calorie intake) Will you risk muscle loss? Should that call for "bigger" CN's? Curious because Im considering keeping my fats the same but dropping 20-30g protein a day. Im already at a deficit daily. I hold a .75:1 ratio but dropping the fat will bring me to around a .85:1 ratio.


    Martin Tran

    I start morning with Bulletproof Coffee. 2 tbs of unsalted grass fed butter and 1 tbs of coconut oil does the trick along with about 10g of whey isolate. That's at least 30g of fat right there.


    I'm having an issue getting enough fat into my diet, I think. Just realized that too much avocadoes are a no no. 🙁Adding coconut oil, heavy cream, and coffee to every meal. Adding more bacon to my foods and pork rinds and cheese.I am cutting my meat portions down to a 1/2lb of ground beef or just 1 chicken breast per meal. I can easily eat double that.Man, better go pick up some Sugar Free Metamucil. lolWill this help me lean out faster? I'm lifting 4x a week & lifting heavy.

    Well it depends.  On a low carb diet you need to be fat dominant, so if you were previously not fat dominant than it can help.  However, if you were already fat dominant, adding fat for the sake of adding fat probably won't do anything.  Most likely it would slow down fat loss.  You would probably need to cut protein down if anything.

    If you do decide to keep fat the same, and lower protein (raising fat:protein ratio and simultaniously lowering daily calorie intake) Will you risk muscle loss? Should that call for "bigger" CN's? Curious because Im considering keeping my fats the same but dropping 20-30g protein a day. Im already at a deficit daily. I hold a .75:1 ratio but dropping the fat will bring me to around a .85:1 ratio.

    Providing fats are high enough you will be highly unlikly to lose muscle. Changing the size of your CN will depend on how big it is currently. If you are going pretty crazy I'd doubt you need to change much, but if you are trying to keep it "clean" maybe dirty up the whole second half.



    So the increased calorie defficiate for the week won't hurt me? Thats really all im worries about. And yea i think the second half of my CN's need a little more calories. I generally do about 130g Protein to fil the rest of my intake for the day, then around 450c but only like 15g fat for the entire CN. So for the day my fats are only at like 60g or so. 


    Brandon D Christ

    So the increased calorie defficiate for the week won't hurt me? Thats really all im worries about. And yea i think the second half of my CN's need a little more calories. I generally do about 130g Protein to fil the rest of my intake for the day, then around 450c but only like 15g fat for the entire CN. So for the day my fats are only at like 60g or so.

    You really don't need much protein to maintain muscle.  .4 g/lb is all you really need for that.


    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.


    Brandon D Christ

    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.



    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

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