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  • #193437

    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    When I think back to the days when I followed a "balanced" diet or body building style I think I rarely topped 30 grams of fat a day. No wonder I always crashed and burned.


    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

    When I'm strictly ULC I go nearly and sometimes above 200g, but I will make omelets out of day, 4-6 whole eggs plus 4 more yolks and cook it in butter, plus lots of butter for veggies and I generally eat 1 avocado a day.My normal eating puts be normally between 90-140g.



    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

    When I'm strictly ULC I go nearly and sometimes above 200g, but I will make omelets out of day, 4-6 whole eggs plus 4 more yolks and cook it in butter, plus lots of butter for veggies and I generally eat 1 avocado a day.My normal eating puts be normally between 90-140g.

    At the moment since i'm eating a lot of chicken, I just coat my veg in 80g of butter, a tbsp of olive and coconut and the fat off my bacon .


    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

    I tend to buy fattier cuts of grass fed beef so its not too hard for me to get the fat in. If anything I find it tougher to stay under a certain amount.


    Brandon D Christ

    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

    I would say that most people on the forums eat a very high fat diet.  Anyways 90 g of fat is a moderate amount of fat.  I remember my days of eating the traditional bodybuilder diet I averaged about 60 g.  I chose diets that were more generous in fat.  John Meadows typically recommends fat in about the .5 g/lb range.  A low fat diet is like 40 g or less of fat.  This business of eating 1 g/lb of fat is pretty unique to Kiefer.



    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

    I would say that most people on the forums eat a very high fat diet.  Anyways 90 g of fat is a moderate amount of fat.  I remember my days of eating the traditional bodybuilder diet I averaged about 60 g.  I chose diets that were more generous in fat.  John Meadows typically recommends fat in about the .5 g/lb range.  A low fat diet is like 40 g or less of fat.  This business of eating 1 g/lb of fat is pretty unique to Kiefer.

    Hmmm???  I guess I need to consume more fat.  I usually try to keep my protein/fat 50/50.  I am currently at 186.  So if its .5g/lb roughly, then I should be consuming over 90g fat/day?  I have been hovering around 60 - 80g.



    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

    I would say that most people on the forums eat a very high fat diet.  Anyways 90 g of fat is a moderate amount of fat.  I remember my days of eating the traditional bodybuilder diet I averaged about 60 g.  I chose diets that were more generous in fat.  John Meadows typically recommends fat in about the .5 g/lb range.  A low fat diet is like 40 g or less of fat.  This business of eating 1 g/lb of fat is pretty unique to Kiefer.

    Hmmm???  I guess I need to consume more fat.  I usually try to keep my protein/fat 50/50.  I am currently at 186.  So if its .5g/lb roughly, then I should be consuming over 90g fat/day?  I have been hovering around 60 - 80g.

    I'd say 90g minimum. Cases could be made to go quite a bit higher than that depending on circumstances.I'm 187 and on CNS I was doing 150g fat



    Here's one general rule of thumb you can use:On average, humans need between 14-16 kcal of energy per pound of bodyweight for maintenance at rest.In my case: 165 pounds * 15 kcal = 2475 kcal is an approximate maintenance energy requirement.A general rule is that you only need about 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight.In my case: 165 pounds = 165g proteinEach gram of protein delivers about 4 kcal.So my 165g * 4 kcal/gram = 660 kcalRemaining calories = 2475 - 660 = 1875 kcalCalories in a gram of fat = 9 kcal/gTo make up the remained of my calories with fat = 1875/9 = 208g of fat.That's a good ballpark formula to start from.


    Brandon D Christ

    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

    I would say that most people on the forums eat a very high fat diet.  Anyways 90 g of fat is a moderate amount of fat.  I remember my days of eating the traditional bodybuilder diet I averaged about 60 g.  I chose diets that were more generous in fat.  John Meadows typically recommends fat in about the .5 g/lb range.  A low fat diet is like 40 g or less of fat.  This business of eating 1 g/lb of fat is pretty unique to Kiefer.

    Hmmm???  I guess I need to consume more fat.  I usually try to keep my protein/fat 50/50.  I am currently at 186.  So if its .5g/lb roughly, then I should be consuming over 90g fat/day?  I have been hovering around 60 - 80g.

    What diet are you on Carb Nite or Carb Backloading?  If you are on Carb Nite I would say you probably need more fat.  If you are on CBL, I actually think that amount of fat is fine.  It's not what I would reccomend to people, but if you are getting results, it's fine.



    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

    I would say that most people on the forums eat a very high fat diet.  Anyways 90 g of fat is a moderate amount of fat.  I remember my days of eating the traditional bodybuilder diet I averaged about 60 g.  I chose diets that were more generous in fat.  John Meadows typically recommends fat in about the .5 g/lb range.  A low fat diet is like 40 g or less of fat.  This business of eating 1 g/lb of fat is pretty unique to Kiefer.

    Hmmm???  I guess I need to consume more fat.  I usually try to keep my protein/fat 50/50.  I am currently at 186.  So if its .5g/lb roughly, then I should be consuming over 90g fat/day?  I have been hovering around 60 - 80g.

    What diet are you on Carb Nite or Carb Backloading?  If you are on Carb Nite I would say you probably need more fat.  If you are on CBL, I actually think that amount of fat is fine.  It's not what I would reccomend to people, but if you are getting results, it's fine.

    I am doing CBL.  I just want to be sure I am not cheating my muscle building.  I already had a good foundation, just had to lose a little body fat.  I am trying to add more lean muscle.  But yes to answer your question I am getting results, by keeping it in this range.  Just wondering if I increased the grams of fat, if I would see more change.  Thoughts?


    Brandon D Christ

    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

    I would say that most people on the forums eat a very high fat diet.  Anyways 90 g of fat is a moderate amount of fat.  I remember my days of eating the traditional bodybuilder diet I averaged about 60 g.  I chose diets that were more generous in fat.  John Meadows typically recommends fat in about the .5 g/lb range.  A low fat diet is like 40 g or less of fat.  This business of eating 1 g/lb of fat is pretty unique to Kiefer.

    Hmmm???  I guess I need to consume more fat.  I usually try to keep my protein/fat 50/50.  I am currently at 186.  So if its .5g/lb roughly, then I should be consuming over 90g fat/day?  I have been hovering around 60 - 80g.

    What diet are you on Carb Nite or Carb Backloading?  If you are on Carb Nite I would say you probably need more fat.  If you are on CBL, I actually think that amount of fat is fine.  It's not what I would reccomend to people, but if you are getting results, it's fine.

    I am doing CBL.  I just want to be sure I am not cheating my muscle building.  I already had a good foundation, just had to lose a little body fat.  I am trying to add more lean muscle.  But yes to answer your question I am getting results, by keeping it in this range.  Just wondering if I increased the grams of fat, if I would see more change.  Thoughts?

    Doubtful, but experimenting wouldn't hurt. 



    I think people get confused at the macro ratios and don't realize even if you are eating 100 grams(900calories) of fat and 200 grams of protein(800 calorites), you are still taking in more fat than protein.

    +1I have had people also tell me that eating 90 g of fat each day is a low fat diet.  Lol.

    I'm at 130g and that feels low compared to what I see some eating on here/other forums.Save for drinking butter, I've no idea how people get in 200g+ fat.

    I would say that most people on the forums eat a very high fat diet.  Anyways 90 g of fat is a moderate amount of fat.  I remember my days of eating the traditional bodybuilder diet I averaged about 60 g.  I chose diets that were more generous in fat.  John Meadows typically recommends fat in about the .5 g/lb range.  A low fat diet is like 40 g or less of fat.  This business of eating 1 g/lb of fat is pretty unique to Kiefer.

    Hmmm???  I guess I need to consume more fat.  I usually try to keep my protein/fat 50/50.  I am currently at 186.  So if its .5g/lb roughly, then I should be consuming over 90g fat/day?  I have been hovering around 60 - 80g.

    What diet are you on Carb Nite or Carb Backloading?  If you are on Carb Nite I would say you probably need more fat.  If you are on CBL, I actually think that amount of fat is fine.  It's not what I would reccomend to people, but if you are getting results, it's fine.

    I am doing CBL.  I just want to be sure I am not cheating my muscle building.  I already had a good foundation, just had to lose a little body fat.  I am trying to add more lean muscle.  But yes to answer your question I am getting results, by keeping it in this range.  Just wondering if I increased the grams of fat, if I would see more change.  Thoughts?

    I agree with ibob. But with the caveat- why muck with something you know is working? Experiment when whatever you're doing stops working!


    I realized this week I need to stop eating like a fucking bird during ULC lol.I weigh 245lb @16% bf and I am averaging around 120 f 200protein on both workout and non workout days. This has been a tough reintroduction phase but yesterday at the gym I had literally no energy after deadlifting and a weight I normally kill for 7 I barely hit for 3.



    On CBL days would a .5:1 ratio be ok if your ULC days are .75:1?


    On CBL days would a .5:1 ratio be ok if your ULC days are .75:1?


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