Fatty Liver Disease

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    Eric Shaw

    My friend who is about 30% BF was recently diagnosed with Fatty Liver disease. His liver values were off the chart. He is only 35. His Doctor said if loses weight and follows a healthy diet low in fat, eats fruits and vegetables and excercises he can reverse this condition.My question is this; just based on my own logic, since the liver stores Glycogen, and fatty liver is usually diagnosed in people who eat too much junk, probably too many carbs primiarly combined with fatty foods at the same time, does this mean that essentially the liver becomes fat, due to being chronically saturated with glucose, which in turn causes to get fatter and fatter? So my thinking is, that a fatty liver probably has nothing to do with eating too much fat, but more from eating too much carbs. I wanted to post my theory before actually looking it up my self just to see if my common sense idea is correct based on my laymans knowledge of metabolism.Would love some experts to chime in.


    Lasse Elsbak

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oMAccording to dr. Robert Lustig, you are right. 🙂

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Fatty Liver Disease

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