Feedback GVT

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  • #9515


    German volume trainingMonday - backLat pull down - 10x10 - 57kgBent over db fly - 4x12 - 8kgSeated row - 4x12 - 57kgPull ups - 4x12Tuesday - chestDb incline bench flare elbows - 10x10 - 18kgPush up - 4x12Db fly - 4x12 - 9kgBench press - 4x12 - 15kgWednesday - legsLeg press - 10x10 - 50kgDeadlifts - 4x12 - 25kgSquats - 4x12 - 15kgThursday - shouldersBb shoulder press - 10x10 -14kgUpright rows - 4x12 - 25Lat raises - 4x12Face pulls - 4x12Friday - armsBarbell curl - 10x10 - 15kgEz bar French press - 4x12Ez bar curl - 4x12 - 5kgDips - 4x12Push down - 4x12 - 25I'm doing doing cbl SA21 years old83.3kgBf - 10% - 15%Looking for feedback on my training program, thanks!

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Feedback GVT

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