Feel like crap after backload!

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    David Warren

    Stats: Hight 6'4Weight 195 lbBf 16%Deit:Protein 200gFat 100gCarbs 500gIve been backloading every day with good muscle gain, strength gain and very mininal fat gain. My problem is that evey morning and throughout the day I feel awful.I wake feeling like I need to go back to sleep for a week and it feels as though im in the early stages of a cold (Headaches, dizziness, ect). The symptoms subside troughout the day but I'm just wondering what I'm doing wrong? Could I be consuming too many carbs? I've tried adding more fat to the backloads to know avail!If anyone could shed some light it would be much appreciated.Thanks.



    what foods are you eating?.. also 500g seems a bit much for someone doing ED backloads


    David Warren

    Protein- lamb steaks, lean Turkey breast, eggs, bacon and grass fed wheyFat- from meat, coconut oil and butterCarbs- bananas, shushi rice, grapes, dextrose, dates and blueberries (5 dates 100g blueberries) and ice cream.Yeah I suspected they may be a little high should I try cuttin them to like 250ish?



    yea id cut it down if you are doing them ED.. might try dropping the dextrose i know it upsets my stomach a good deal


    David Warren

    Thanks for the advice will give it a try tonight and see how things go! Do you think I may have been suffering some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia?

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Feel like crap after backload!

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