Feta Cheese

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    Makoto Tomizawa

    This might be a really strange/stupid question, but I'm curious about the “weight” of food.Specifically speaking, I had some feta cheese today. Based on most nutritional information, 1 oz of feta cheese is around 70-80 kcals. Now, when I initially measured it out, I had about 8.5 oz of feta cheese, which would be around/a little over 600 kcals. However, after rinsing it and draining it (and lost a little bit in the process), the final weight of the food came out to be only 3 oz, which is like not even 250 kcals... so that is a pretty big difference in nutritional value, and I'm not even sure which number to go by. If all the weight lost is just water/moisture, then the macros shouldn't be different...Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Training Log: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vuwHRdBaPVILxxLhXly_N1Ys66Hcwk4j-bM7nvKSLrI/edit?usp=sharing



    So it started out at 8.5 oz, you then washed it and it came back as 3 oz?What did you wash it with? An industrial jet washer? lol


    Makoto Tomizawa

    Haha, yeah I just happen to recently purchase one of those and wanted to see how it worked on cheese.Anyways, I washed it under running water, then used paper towel to squeeze out the moisture, put it in the microwave to see if it would evaporate the rest (ended up just kinda melting it), so I rinsed and drained with water and paper towel again.I understand that with like hamburger meat, you end up with like 3/4 of whatever amount you had raw, and the fat content goes down significantly if cooked... could rinsing and draining do the same for cheese...?!

    Training Log: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vuwHRdBaPVILxxLhXly_N1Ys66Hcwk4j-bM7nvKSLrI/edit?usp=sharing


    Nicholas Alonzo

    I always go by the food precooked or rinsed in this case better to be under your calorie limit than above it.One exception is bacon which specifies that you measure "pan fried slices" or post cooking.

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Feta Cheese

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