Finding a Exercising program – HELP

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    Martin Skup Taveras

    I've been doing CNS for the past couple of months and my results are good i believe I've lost 40 pounds in about 4 months. so I'm happy about that but i still don't feel the change nor do I really see it. My Fat % is still in the high 30. During my time on CNS I haven't don't any exercise and i believe that is what I'm missing so i could take the next step and really start to see my Fat % go down. I'm not a cardio guy, never really liked them, so ive been looking for a weight lifting regime that i could do. I wanted to do SWP but kiefer said a new one is coming our soon and i don't have an Iphone nor ipad to download GAINFitness. I even bought the new book Engineering the Alpha for its weight program but after the resent post i guess it not a good idea. While i read it i felt I already knew what I was reading especially the nutritional stuff.So please if some one can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.


    Richard Schmitt

    Starting Strength5/3/1Push/Pull/Legs5x5


    EtA has a pretty good weight lifting program laid out in it. Kiefer ripped on the book, yeah, but it's still a good book with good info.


    Christopher VanWell

    I listened to the audio book of Engineering the Alpha, so I didn't get a whole lot out of it since most of the stuff was probably on the pdf's.  I swear the first 5 hours or so seemed like a cross between an infomercial and a motivational speech.  Maybe the workout plans are pretty good, but the whole lift slow and then drop the weight fast seem hokey to me.


    Martin Skup Taveras

    Starting Strength5/3/1Push/Pull/Legs5x5

    I'm sorry but i don't understand what this means.. where do i get the exercises



    Starting Strength5/3/1Push/Pull/Legs5x5

    I'm sorry but i don't understand what this means.. where do i get the exercises

    Google them, there are literally millions of websites with information on them.  What is your training background?


    Martin Skup Taveras

    When I was young I played a lot of sports especially Rugby and Baseball… but it has been a long time since I've done any exercise of any kind… i have no idea about which one is better to stat with

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Finding a Exercising program – HELP

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