First carb nite

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    Well, day 10 came and I hit the weights late in the afternoon, then went to town on sweet potatoes and chicken with a little veg about an hour after my PWO shake, which was about 5:30 PM. I had some yogurt with low fat gluten free corn flakes (nice) and half a banana (couldn't help it, was feeling verrrry fruit deprived). After that I waited until after 9 to hit the serious stuff that had a little more fat in it (gluten free caramel squares, also damn good).I think I hit something in the region of 550 - 580g carbs and felt far more stuffed than any of my previous backloading experiences when I was trying CBL. However, I didn't get any of the night sweats at all. Is that normal? Did I go too far or not far enough? I lost about 3 or 4 lb. in induction.Woke up with enough energy to do some HIIT and not really bloated at all...



    No sweats: no big dealFeeling good in the morning: great



    Well, day 10 came and I hit the weights late in the afternoon, then went to town on sweet potatoes and chicken with a little veg about an hour after my PWO shake, which was about 5:30 PM. I had some yogurt with low fat gluten free corn flakes (nice) and half a banana (couldn't help it, was feeling verrrry fruit deprived). After that I waited until after 9 to hit the serious stuff that had a little more fat in it (gluten free caramel squares, also damn good).I think I hit something in the region of 550 - 580g carbs and felt far more stuffed than any of my previous backloading experiences when I was trying CBL. However, I didn't get any of the night sweats at all. Is that normal? Did I go too far or not far enough? I lost about 3 or 4 lb. in induction.Woke up with enough energy to do some HIIT and not really bloated at all...

    i never get extremely hot or night sweats and i saw good results... My body put off more heat when i did back loading though. Good luck

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First carb nite

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