I had my first carb nite this past Friday after doing 9 days of reorientation. I couldn’t resist and started at 2 pm and ended before 8. Then I had to go out and I came home around 11. I had a meal around 11:40 and I didn’t track the macros but it was lower carb. The carbs in the meal were a little high fructose corn syrup free ketchup, a little lettuce and a tablespoon or so or Bob’s Red Mill Potato Starch. I know I should have ate carbs after the eighth hour. I plan on starting at 6 pm next week so that I’ll be ready for bed by the end of the time. These days I don’t get to bed before 11 or 12. How bad did I do? Should I start with reorientation again? I see alot of advise given on this forum that appears to contradict the advise given in the book. For example, people are advising to do carb nite for six hours but the book says six to eight.