Hey all, after being super strict, and keeping everything as it should be, today is my first carb pig out. But, I started it about 2 hours early. I'm in Chicago visiting, and went to Portillos for lunch. I had every intention of not eating the bun of my hot dog, but I decided screw it! We don't have even half way decent hot dogs in NC (I'm from Chicago and miss pizza and hot dogs)….So I had one hot dog, with bun, a few bites of beef sandwich and a few fries, and some milkshake. I plan on carbing up the rest of the day now...we have a party to go tonight. I've also got a multitude of sweets to sample.I had 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast, 2 fried, and coffee with coco oil and whipping cream. I have to brag, Friday night we stayed in the city, and went to giordanos for pizza. Much to poor hubby's dismay, I ate only the cheese and sausage! No crust!!!! That was hard!!!! I hope I didn't derail anything with starting 2 hours early??? No workout, since I'm out of town.