first time backloading and need help

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    ok i've done cns for about a yer now and im transitioning to cbl i had my backload last night and it went like this train at 6pm end around 6:50pm pwo shake 7:00pm backloaded at 7:30 pm till 9:30 pm. im 5'10″ 178lbs 12%bf i'm doing strength accumulation . my question is did i end my backload at the right time? and also what to look for the after i know it says in the book but that was specifically for am trainers


    Richard Schmitt

    From what I was able to understand, timing is fine.


    David M Pope

    What is stated in the book is a good rule of thumb for everyone.  I've noticed my body shows results of BLs ~48 hours later.  Not everyone is that way.  Point:  play around with it.  Two and a half hours is a fine amount of time to backload as long as you got the requisite amount of carbs/food.  Really only need to be concerned about BLs which are too long, not too short.



    One piece of information is missing here.. What time did you go to bed/sleep? If you went to bed at 9:45, you probably wonked yourself outta some growth hormone cuddle-time. But if your backload ended an hour or more before you went to bed, you should be good to go.



    i went to sleep at 12:30am

    One piece of information is missing here.. What time did you go to bed/sleep? If you went to bed at 9:45, you probably wonked yourself outta some growth hormone cuddle-time. But if your backload ended an hour or more before you went to bed, you should be good to go.



    I am doing CNS right now but hope to someday switch the CBL once I take off the fat I want to loose. On some nights I work til midnight and go to the gym after. I would only be able to do a small backload for an hour or so after my workout and would go the bed directly after. Would it work for me that way? Or should I be looking at a different approach.



    I am doing CNS right now but hope to someday switch the CBL once I take off the fat I want to loose. On some nights I work til midnight and go to the gym after. I would only be able to do a small backload for an hour or so after my workout and would go the bed directly after. Would it work for me that way? Or should I be looking at a different approach.

    There's a whole chapter on late night training in the book and how to do it. Can't remember specifically what it says, pretty sure something along the lines of you backload before your workout then something small after the workout.Give a gander to that chapter.

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first time backloading and need help

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