Fish oils, MCTS, and Fat Macros

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    Robert x Oleary

    Just curious if you guys count MCT and/or Fish Oil as part of your macros.


    Richard Schmitt




    Yes. They have a caloric load and should be counted.


    MCT yes, Fish oil no, but I only take 3g of fish oil and I always take it, so it's no a large variable.



    MCT yes, Fish oil no, but I only take 3g of fish oil and I always take it, so it's no a large variable.

    Why track one and not the other?Both are fat based and have a calorie load right?


    MCT yes, Fish oil no, but I only take 3g of fish oil and I always take it, so it's no a large variable.

    Why track one and not the other?Both are fat based and have a calorie load right?

    Because one is a variable that changes and one is consistent regardless of the rest of my diet.


    Richard Schmitt

    MCT yes, Fish oil no, but I only take 3g of fish oil and I always take it, so it's no a large variable.

    Why track one and not the other?Both are fat based and have a calorie load right?

    Because one is a variable that changes and one is consistent regardless of the rest of my diet.

    So it basically boils down to personal preference on what you want to track, and the reasoning behind it.


    MCT yes, Fish oil no, but I only take 3g of fish oil and I always take it, so it's no a large variable.

    Why track one and not the other?Both are fat based and have a calorie load right?

    Because one is a variable that changes and one is consistent regardless of the rest of my diet.

    So it basically boils down to personal preference on what you want to track, and the reasoning behind it.

    I think MCT oil should always be tracked because you are probably using a lot more, around 10-14g at a time and some days you may have more than others, where as I use a small amount of fish oil and the amount I take does change at all.


    Robert x Oleary

    My coaches have never had me add the fish oil (or CLA supps) as part of my calorie/macros for the same reason trev posted, stays consistent day in and day out. They may have factored this into the meal plan/macros (different prep styles with the same supps) prior to setting it though. Also fwiw, high % MCT is 2/3rd the caloric load of regular dietary fat. 0dbc1e1a77f7a0dde836a59510dab3ee.jpgSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Robert x Oleary

    I'm not arguing one way or the other, just curious on preferences. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Fish oils, MCTS, and Fat Macros

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