Fitness Fears

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  • #9896


    Pretty solid write-up by Nate Miyaki.. It seems like with the diets we, on here, follow (ULC), that #4 is a hitch for a lot of people..



    I would have to agree with that, when I mention my diet plan and what I eat to people they go “Oh no, you're suppose to eat 6 small meals a day, and get plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains in.. that's a lot of saturated fats, you're going to end up destroying your body…” But I suppose its an easy one for me to overcome because I saw results so quickly and read everything I could about this diet to feel confident in my choice. Also I'm bullheaded. That probably helped.However I still have a slight fear of sharing it regardless that I see changes and I know it works for me. The peer fear is a pretty strong one. I know that this lifestyle change is a great one, and a healthy one, but I still fear the judging.Great article! Thanks for sharing man!



    I would have to agree with that, when I mention my diet plan and what I eat to people they go "Oh no, you're suppose to eat 6 small meals a day, and get plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains in.. that's a lot of saturated fats, you're going to end up destroying your body..." But I suppose its an easy one for me to overcome because I saw results so quickly and read everything I could about this diet to feel confident in my choice. Also I'm bullheaded. That probably helped.However I still have a slight fear of sharing it regardless that I see changes and I know it works for me. The peer fear is a pretty strong one. I know that this lifestyle change is a great one, and a healthy one, but I still fear the judging.Great article! Thanks for sharing man!

    Yeah, I just try not to talk about what specifically I do, unless they ask me. Because I just end up getting angry when people I know who haven't put any time into reading/researching try to tell me how it should be.. Everytime my grandparents see me they ask me "Are you still on a diet?" to which I've just started saying "We're all on a diet of one kind or another."



    Yeah, I just try not to talk about what specifically I do, unless they ask me. Because I just end up getting angry when people I know who haven't put any time into reading/researching try to tell me how it should be.. Everytime my grandparents see me they ask me "Are you still on a diet?" to which I've just started saying "We're all on a diet of one kind or another."

    Thats a great answer, I may use that myself. The only thing is I want so badly to share this with others because its worked so well for me. It really made me way more confident about myself and how I viewed my body. It made me more knowledgable about what sort of junk I put into my stomach and the reasons why, it gave me a solid base for my diet for the rest of my life. I also get to not feel guilty about eating cakes and cookies once a week. -though.. I don't think I've eaten any cakes or cookies yet...So all this makes me want to share it so badly, but then to get the general responses of people who just heard it from so-and-so who must know what they are talking about because they've got their own reality show.... = I just want to be like "LOOK at me. You can see the changes from what I've been doing. Why are you not seeing changed with your body if you've been following the "correct" and "healthy" path?Sorry. Rant over. I just ran into this argument tonight and it got me firey. 😛



    Yeah, I just try not to talk about what specifically I do, unless they ask me. Because I just end up getting angry when people I know who haven't put any time into reading/researching try to tell me how it should be.. Everytime my grandparents see me they ask me "Are you still on a diet?" to which I've just started saying "We're all on a diet of one kind or another."

    Thats a great answer, I may use that myself. The only thing is I want so badly to share this with others because its worked so well for me. It really made me way more confident about myself and how I viewed my body. It made me more knowledgable about what sort of junk I put into my stomach and the reasons why, it gave me a solid base for my diet for the rest of my life. I also get to not feel guilty about eating cakes and cookies once a week. -though.. I don't think I've eaten any cakes or cookies yet...So all this makes me want to share it so badly, but then to get the general responses of people who just heard it from so-and-so who must know what they are talking about because they've got their own reality show.... = I just want to be like "LOOK at me. You can see the changes from what I've been doing. Why are you not seeing changed with your body if you've been following the "correct" and "healthy" path?Sorry. Rant over. I just ran into this argument tonight and it got me firey. 😛

    People are always going to do what they want, and if there's a concensus about a way of doing things (eg 6 meals a day) and you go against it, good luck getting people to agree with you. But think about it like I do. Don't worry about what others think.  You're not doing it for them. Look at the changes you've made, the results you have achieved and you won't need validation from others. You can be proud of yourself just knowingt the proof is in the pudding.



    I loved the article. I hear constantly how people want to change and can't or won't. The fear of failure just has to be over come by the desire to succeed.



    Yeah, I just try not to talk about what specifically I do, unless they ask me. Because I just end up getting angry when people I know who haven't put any time into reading/researching try to tell me how it should be.. Everytime my grandparents see me they ask me "Are you still on a diet?" to which I've just started saying "We're all on a diet of one kind or another."

    I just want to be like "LOOK at me. You can see the changes from what I've been doing. Why are you not seeing changed with your body if you've been following the "correct" and "healthy" path?

    Instead of carrying pictures of kids in a wallet, carry progress pictures, ha. "SEE?!"

    I loved the article. I hear constantly how people want to change and can't or won't. The fear of failure just has to be over come by the desire to succeed.

    Agreed.. And oddly enough I think the people that are afraid of the failure, are often the ones who are afraid to succeed, also..



    I can't tell you how many times I've gotten crazy looks from my friends/family when they see me put butter on my steak, or pound my back loads. I also don't like to go into details and start explaining things because (1) people are stubborn and don't listen, so I don't want to waste my breath and (2) I don't like to be preachy, even though I totally want to share my knowledge. I just say, “i know it's crazy, but look at me. Am I fat?” (I'm not by the way 😉 ) I just wait until someone is really ready to listen, then I'm more then happy to share my knowledge.A couple of months ago I was at my uncle's house and we were shooting the breeze and we started discussing diets and exercise and stuff. He was expressing his frustrations with all the diets and exercises that he had been trying.  He started to get watery eyed as he honestly said that he doesn't stick with anything because he doesn't see even slight results. (Some background: My uncle is 50 years old, 5'10" and 400 lbs.) I was still a few months into CBL and experimenting, but even with my trial and errors I was seeing results, so I started talking about what I was doing and if he was interested in trying the CNS version, which he was. My mom (my uncle's sister) and my brother heard about what the diet entailed and started giving me the "are you crazy, you're going to kill him with all that meat and fat". I replied, "he's going to die if he doesn't do something and what he's been doing and anything you've suggested obviously isn't working. He eats about the same amount of meat and fat anyways, we're just eliminating the carbs and nasty crap. And no offense, it's not like you know what you're talking about, so let's give it a month and see how it goes before you start ripping it"Sure enough he's lost about 10lbs since, but more importantly then the actual number loss is that he looks and FEELS better. He doesn't go home after work and fall asleep on the couch. He doesn't need numerous naps during the weekends. He sleeps better. He has more energy. In the first month his son commented on a Saturday after working on their cars, "wow dad, you didn't even take a nap today!"After seeing immediate improvement my mom changed her tone and got interested, so I started giving her a little lesson about reading the nutritional info on food. She also heard "the doctors" talk about how you should only have 30g a day of carbs on an episode, their statement coincided with what I had been explaining, so it became more palatable for her since "doctors" were saying the same thing. I showed her how her 1 piece of whole wheat toast in the morning contains more then half of the 30g allotted. I showed her how many carbs were in her beloved yogurt. She was stunned. Thankfully my uncle was willing to try something outside of the box and didn't listen to the closed minds. And now of course no one is ripping it.



    I can't tell you how many times I've gotten crazy looks from my friends/family when they see me put butter on my steak, or pound my back loads. I also don't like to go into details and start explaining things because (1) people are stubborn and don't listen, so I don't want to waste my breath and (2) I don't like to be preachy, even though I totally want to share my knowledge. I just say, "i know it's crazy, but look at me. Am I fat?" (I'm not by the way 😉 ) I just wait until someone is really ready to listen, then I'm more then happy to share my knowledge.A couple of months ago I was at my uncle's house and we were shooting the breeze and we started discussing diets and exercise and stuff. He was expressing his frustrations with all the diets and exercises that he had been trying.  He started to get watery eyed as he honestly said that he doesn't stick with anything because he doesn't see even slight results. (Some background: My uncle is 50 years old, 5'10" and 400 lbs.) I was still a few months into CBL and experimenting, but even with my trial and errors I was seeing results, so I started talking about what I was doing and if he was interested in trying the CNS version, which he was. My mom (my uncle's sister) and my brother heard about what the diet entailed and started giving me the "are you crazy, you're going to kill him with all that meat and fat". I replied, "he's going to die if he doesn't do something and what he's been doing and anything you've suggested obviously isn't working. He eats about the same amount of meat and fat anyways, we're just eliminating the carbs and nasty crap. And no offense, it's not like you know what you're talking about, so let's give it a month and see how it goes before you start ripping it"Sure enough he's lost about 10lbs since, but more importantly then the actual number loss is that he looks and FEELS better. He doesn't go home after work and fall asleep on the couch. He doesn't need numerous naps during the weekends. He sleeps better. He has more energy. In the first month his son commented on a Saturday after working on their cars, "wow dad, you didn't even take a nap today!"After seeing immediate improvement my mom changed her tone and got interested, so I started giving her a little lesson about reading the nutritional info on food. She also heard "the doctors" talk about how you should only have 30g a day of carbs on an episode, their statement coincided with what I had been explaining, so it became more palatable for her since "doctors" were saying the same thing. I showed her how her 1 piece of whole wheat toast in the morning contains more then half of the 30g allotted. I showed her how many carbs were in her beloved yogurt. She was stunned. Thankfully my uncle was willing to try something outside of the box and didn't listen to the closed minds. And now of course no one is ripping it.

    I have three things here..1) That is a great story. I love hearing stuff like that. I hope he makes some great success and enjoys himself on the protocol!2) Micro-Rant: All those stupid ass doctor television shows need to die.3)

    (2) I don't like to be preachy, even though I totally want to share my knowledge. I just say, "i know it's crazy, but look at me. Am I fat?" (I'm not by the way 😉 ) I just wait until someone is really ready to listen, then I'm more then happy to share my knowledge.

    Very well said!


    Tony Snow

    I don't even tell folks about my regimen, unless asked, and even then, they need to act as if they seriously want to know.  So when someone says “You look great, what have you been doing?”…my response is always: “Just trying to eat right and exercise.”  Most people are satisfied with that.  The ones who aren't typically fall into two camps.  Either 1)  They are disappointed!  Seriously, most people are disappointed that I do not bestow upon them the magic elixir/formula/pill/secret/herbal supplement.  What do you mean eating right and exercising!!!!?  How dare you!  I have had folks tell me that I am lying, and I have had gastric bypass.  I just chuckle to myself...And 2) The other folks honestly are looking for some suggestions on their own fitness journey, and are typically open to new/different information.  I have shared the Kiefer philosophy with a few of these folks, and they have come back later to thank me.When it comes to friends and loved ones, I keep it simple for them.  I don't ask for any special meals or restaurants or anything like that.  Whenever asked, I always reply, don't worry I will find something that I can eat.  I always ensure that I have a back up plan for any and all social events, so I am not "that guy" who seems to make everyone uncomfortable with his diet.  I am always prepared and do my recon before I venture off my beaten path.  And I never preach about the horrors of what they are doing...hey, I was one of them, and could become one again!!!  This is my lifestyle choice, not theirs.In terms of fear of success, I have been paralyzed by this fear quite often in my life.  Fear of being the best I can be, but also fear of maintaining the success.  Fear of being the best thing since leucine, and becoming a real asshole because of it.  Kind of the, with great power comes great responsibility thing.  Success takes work, and to remain successful requires consistent work and humility.  And that frightens me...



    I often times feel as though explaining this to people becomes as productive as beating a dead horse.  That being said, I only invest the energy into explaining it that I feel necessary.  For example at dinner at my aunt's house- she tried telling me about the china study (whatever that is) and how a plant based diet is the best and that I shouldn't eat meat so often…etc. She ALSO brought up my uncle who had a heart attack and became vegan (to each their own but don't get me started) and how he lost 25 lbs- I'm like yeah of muscle which won't do him any good!! So I chose to change the subject. Another example is someone I know and was out to breakfast with was like- oh so you eat fat and protein, no carbs. Well you could have fruit if you wanted, why don't you order that? Face-palm. I just politely decline.



    Some folks are just hard headed and stubborn. I've lost 140lbs threw diet and exercise and family/friends still think I don't know what I'm talking about or doing. LolThe only person I've got to listen and follow along is my Dad and he instantly dropped 20-30lbs, kicked his cholesterol meds, and most of all he feels and looks better than he did just a few months ago. Even with that people still can't or won't wrap there minds around a keto diet.



    Loving these posts!

    For example at dinner at my aunt's house- she tried telling me about the china study (whatever that is)

    All you need to know about the China study is that it is, quite literally, a laughing-stock among the research and science fields. VERY VERY poorly done research that relied on the participants self-reporting what they ate, and then the "researches" would classify food items into protein/fat/cho groups only. So things like "pizza" would be classified as "protein" because it had pepperoni or something. Terrible study.



    Hey! I JUST had my Aunt Nancy comment on my facebook how she is worried about me and she also talked about the China study! Like, seriously, an hour ago. I wonder if our Aunts share book club or something and swap stories… =p



    Some folks are just hard headed and stubborn. I've lost 140lbs threw diet and exercise and family/friends still think I don't know what I'm talking about or doing. LolThe only person I've got to listen and follow along is my Dad and he instantly dropped 20-30lbs, kicked his cholesterol meds, and most of all he feels and looks better than he did just a few months ago. Even with that people still can't or won't wrap there minds around a keto diet.

    Loving these posts!

    For example at dinner at my aunt's house- she tried telling me about the china study (whatever that is)

    All you need to know about the China study is that it is, quite literally, a laughing-stock among the research and science fields. VERY VERY poorly done research that relied on the participants self-reporting what they ate, and then the "researches" would classify food items into protein/fat/cho groups only. So things like "pizza" would be classified as "protein" because it had pepperoni or something. Terrible study.

    Hey! I JUST had my Aunt Nancy comment on my facebook how she is worried about me and she also talked about the China study! Like, seriously, an hour ago. I wonder if our Aunts share book club or something and swap stories... =p

    Scope- awesome for your dad. Wish I could get mine to do the same! And absolute kudos to you as well.  Omg lol Tcb yeah that sounds like a truly evidence based study ;). Hahah! Spatz! Our aunts swapping stories and still wondering why we get results ;)!

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