Friend of mine, bragging lost 42 lbs in 70 days, NO EXERCISE

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    He's says carbs are fattening, he under ate 2,100 calories a day to lose that weightI tell him he's malnourishedhe starts 6 feet tall 258  (NEVER WORKED OUT)he's now 216, 70 days, of a low calorie, low protein low carb diet, which had to average 800 calories or less a daynever worked out, I'm guessing muscle loss, and deficiencies, doesn't even take a multi-vitamonall he cares about is the scale, not what he's doing to his bodymocks me about Carb Nite and Carb Back Loadinghe doesn't LIFT, jeuss


    *facepalm* That will be a fun rebound for him.


    Lesli Bortz

    He's says carbs are fattening, he under ate 2,100 calories a day to lose that weightI tell him he's malnourishedhe starts 6 feet tall 258  (NEVER WORKED OUT)he's now 216, 70 days, of a low calorie, low protein low carb diet, which had to average 800 calories or less a daynever worked out, I'm guessing muscle loss, and deficiencies, doesn't even take a multi-vitamonall he cares about is the scale, not what he's doing to his bodymocks me about Carb Nite and Carb Back Loadinghe doesn't LIFT, jeuss

    The idea of eating that few calories makes me nauceous...


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah no! This guy has to be saved!Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


    Brandon D Christ

    He could be fine.  A low calorie diet actually worked fine for me.  I went from 180 to 140 in 6 months and I lost very little muscle.  I did do some bodyweight exercises though.  I ate 1500 calories per day.



    Eh, depending on how fat he is there may be not too much muscle loss since he's not working out. Again, this is assuming he's obeseAs far as mocking you for CNS/CBL'ing eat some ice cream or pizza in front of him and say it's for your "diet". Win



    Eh, depending on how fat he is there may be not too much muscle loss since he's not working out. Again, this is assuming he's obeseAs far as mocking you for CNS/CBL'ing eat some ice cream or pizza in front of him and say it's for your "diet". Win

    heh ya.  He may lose weight quicker but it won't be fun or delicious.  I went from 200 to 170 on about 2100 cals a day + cardio.  At first I was all gung ho about it and it was easy, but after a while, it gets old and its hard to control cravings.  I couldn't imagine doing less than 1500.



    Eh, depending on how fat he is there may be not too much muscle loss since he's not working out. Again, this is assuming he's obeseAs far as mocking you for CNS/CBL'ing eat some ice cream or pizza in front of him and say it's for your "diet". Win

    he's still obese by the BMI and the BMI isn't off since he has zero muscle, never lifted, background? made done of money on internet/porn, lived the high life, party, etcnow eats better, low carb, but then again low protein low caloriesdo the math he lost 42 lbs in 70 days,  at 6 foot 258 to startI'm predicting a skinny fat guy when he reaches his goal of 190 then a rebound to 240



    about him mocking Kieferi posted pics of Alexpics of Mary's fb pic of cupcakes for her and Alex 3 weeks before comp for AlexI posted pics from that gym in Maine that practices cbl and carb nitehe just laughs and says carbs make you fati said use food as a tool, and try exercising I tell him.


    Brandon D Christ

    If he is really obese it's actually best he get his weight kind of under control before he starts exercising.



    well 258 to 216 and he's 6 foot tallso I'd assume he can lift, run, walk, zumba, bike, anything, he does NOTHING, low calories, 1000 calories estimated


    Brandon D Christ

    well 258 to 216 and he's 6 foot tallso I'd assume he can lift, run, walk, zumba, bike, anything, he does NOTHING, low calories, 1000 calories estimated

    Yea he should exercise then.  When you said really obese I was thinking like 350 lbs which is a sad reflection of the health of today's society.



    read a study on older suggest more than RDA for protein if they want to avoid muscle catabolismhe's low protein, less than 50 g a day, well the rda is like 70 he's below RDAno pics from him, at 216 he has to be FLAB city



    Why are you so bothered with your friend? His willpower must be pretty damn good to stick to this diet.


    Richard Schmitt

    Why are you so bothered with your friend? His willpower must be pretty damn good to stick to this diet.

    because in the end something like that could hurt them more than help them.

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Friend of mine, bragging lost 42 lbs in 70 days, NO EXERCISE

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