Friend of mine, bragging lost 42 lbs in 70 days, NO EXERCISE

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    He's at 770 calories a day,  50 g of protein, so he guilty of Muscle Catabolismdoesn't workout, 258 to 216, but binged last night, liquor and pizzaI love it,



    I have to be honest it sounds like you know a guy not that yall are really friends haha.



    Why are you so bothered with your friend? His willpower must be pretty damn good to stick to this diet.

    because in the end something like that could hurt them more than help them.

    That is true, but the op said he tried to advise him and the guy laughed it off. The end results of his diet will teach him that what he did wasnt the right way to do it.

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Friend of mine, bragging lost 42 lbs in 70 days, NO EXERCISE

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