Fruits With Lowest Fructose Content

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  • #8996

    Joseph Flaherty

    Was browsing the web and thought this would be helpful to post for all of us CBLers out there. Since we're trying to avoid fructose as much as possible during backloads, this will help you steer towards the ones that have the lowest fructose content if you should want to throw some fruit in your backloads. is one of the first (whole, Deglet Noor style, at least) come in incredibly low on the fructose content. In most places I've checked, most varieties of dates have a GI near 100 or even higher. Looks like dates would be the ideal fruit to use during backloads, if any at all.Not saying using other fruits in moderation would be a bad idea, just looks like dates are more in line with CBL parameters.

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Fruits With Lowest Fructose Content

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