Funny Lifting / Dieting Pictures

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  • #140205

    Brandon D Christ

    Okay. I'll give them another go this Friday. Interesting how they don't make your core thick like normal DLs. What's the reasoning there?

    I don't know for sure, but you can try it.  The reason I am guessing is because your glutes and hamstrings carry almost the entire load on a sumo deadlift.



    They scrape my shins for some reason

    Then wear knee high socks or chalk up your shins.

    or better yet get used to brusing and bleeding! (:



    They scrape my shins for some reason

    Then wear knee high socks or chalk up your shins.

    Chalk increases friction. Use baby powder.That picture of Hannah Johnson is also immediately post weigh in, i.e. depleted and dried out as hell. In that picture she was 148, she filled up to 159. 11lbs is pretty significant on someone her size.



    What's the point of building beautiful legs if I can't wear a skirt because they're all bruised?


    Brandon D Christ

    They scrape my shins for some reason

    Then wear knee high socks or chalk up your shins.

    Chalk increases friction. Use baby powder.That picture of Hannah Johnson is also immediately post weigh in, i.e. depleted and dried out as hell. In that picture she was 148, she filled up to 159. 11lbs is pretty significant on someone her size.

    I know that.  The point was that not all powerlifters are fat.  I personally spoke to Hannah at the weigh in and at the meet and I can assure you she was not fat and the difference between the days wasn't extremely noticeable.  Plus it is a cool photo.



    Huh. Come to think of it, I can even feel my core gets a serious workout when I'm doing goblet squats. Maybe I need to take up a different method of exercise. This does my head in (British term). So many conflicts. Feel like I can't have everything I want at the same time 🙁


    Brandon D Christ

    Huh. Come to think of it, I can even feel my core gets a serious workout when I'm doing goblet squats. Maybe I need to take up a different method of exercise. This does my head in (British term). So many conflicts. Feel like I can't have everything I want at the same time 🙁

    Well I think you should just determine what you want the most and stick to it.



    I know. But we're talking Small Waist VS 2x Body Weight DL. It's not fair that I have to choose 🙁


    Brandon D Christ

    I know. But we're talking Small Waist VS 2x Body Weight DL. It's not fair that I have to choose 🙁

    Ask yourself two questions:Why do you want a small waist?Why do you want a big deadlift?Then ask yourself this:  What do I value more, the answer to question 1 or the answer to question 2?



    I know. But we're talking Small Waist VS 2x Body Weight DL. It's not fair that I have to choose 🙁

    Ask yourself two questions:Why do you want a small waist?-- To look HOTWhy do you want a big deadlift?-- To feel HOTThen ask yourself this:  What do I value more, the answer to question 1 or the answer to question 2?-- Grrr. Same problem as before.


    Richard Schmitt

    How'd this turn into a Funny event to something entirely different and serious? O.o


    Brandon D Christ

    I know. But we're talking Small Waist VS 2x Body Weight DL. It's not fair that I have to choose 🙁

    Ask yourself two questions:Why do you want a small waist?-- To look HOTWhy do you want a big deadlift?-- To feel HOTThen ask yourself this:  What do I value more, the answer to question 1 or the answer to question 2?-- Grrr. Same problem as before.

    Run through it again then!



    Why do I want to look hot?To honor my creator.Why do I want to feel hot?Why would you want to feel any other way?Okay. I'm not getting very far here . . . It is a cool method. But I can't choose.I think I'll keep doing what I'm doing, which is deadlifting and moaning about how thick my waist is getting; working on my pull-ups and dips, while moaning about how big my arms are getting; and binging while moaning about gaining fat.


    Jason Berrigan

    More pics



    Aw! You know, I bet that kid is big for his age!

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Funny Lifting / Dieting Pictures

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