Funny Lifting / Dieting Pictures

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    Jason Berrigan




    I can't believe the yoga one. The worst thing is the women aren't even doing anything. I think I would have to kick some teeth out of his face.

    Yeah... Ummm noSent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2




    I know that.  The point was that not all powerlifters are fat.  I personally spoke to Hannah at the weigh in and at the meet and I can assure you she was not fat and the difference between the days wasn't extremely noticeable.  Plus it is a cool photo.

    Wasn't trying to be overly critical Bob, just putting the picture into context, the same way I would do if you had posted a backstage shot of an IFBB bikini girl.I also never suggested Hannah was fat. Clearly she isn't, or she wouldn't show such definition even when dried out and depleted. The intent was that 10lbs of water and muscle glycogen can make a significant difference in the way she looks from one day to the next.I get the feeling that you somehow think I'm a prick, an idiot, a torrential agitator of the shit-pot, or some combination of all of the above.

    I know. But we're talking Small Waist VS 2x Body Weight DL. It's not fair that I have to choose 🙁

    Hon, you don't have to choose. My wife is 5'7", 130lbs, 26" waist, and pulls over 300 for singles. It can be difficult to achieve both at the same time though. By difficult I mean "may take longer." Pick a goal, and stick with it until you get it, then shift your focus. Also, if you don't want to build a thicker waist, avoid dumbbell side bends like the plague, and wear a belt strapped down tight on all squats, deadlifts, and anything that will engage your abdominal muscles. Limit your ab movements to plank, side plank, reverse crunches, the ab wheel, stuff like that.I LOL'd hard at that Zumba pic. That's some funny shit. Makes me wanna hop into a Zumba class so I can execute a button hook pattern in super slow mo.

    Hmm. Thanks for letting me know. My goal is 24-25", I was previously around that when I was skinny-fat :/ (I'm 5'3)Don't worry, I don't do ANY ab exercises or side bends. Interesting idea about wearing a weight belt (like a corset!). I've never heard of that. Anyway, I currently have a lot of fat to lose (20 lbs) so, that will probably help to a point.

    Make sure you don't push out on the belt.

    Okay. So the belt is really just there to remind me to lock my core?



    Okay. So the belt is really just there to remind me to lock my core?

    Not really. You want to strap it down ridiculous tight. So that even if you do tighten your abs, they are not pushing out due to physical impossibility. You're right, its very much like wearing a corset in the gym, but not as restrictive to forward bending. Basically, the belt is your new abs.You will get some benefit from the stabilizing movements (plank, side plank). They will get you to tighten your abs inward and lock them in place. You can also work on pulling and holding a vacuum for extended periods of time, and can even do so doing the planks once you get pretty good at it.

    Hmm. Thanks for letting me know. My goal is 24-25", I was previously around that when I was skinny-fat :/ (I'm 5'3)Don't worry, I don't do ANY ab exercises or side bends. Interesting idea about wearing a weight belt (like a corset!). I've never heard of that. Anyway, I currently have a lot of fat to lose (20 lbs) so, that will probably help to a point.

    Building muscle first will help you lose fat faster, and you will lose fat during the process as well 😉 It was hard to get my wife to swallow that pill too, but now she trains 7 days a week like me, and gets leaner every week without losing strength or muscle mass. Sure, its slower fat loss than she'd like, but her shape is improving as she's losing the fat, so its more of a one step process versus "hate the way you look, lose the fat, have no shape, hate the way you look, build muscle and some fat back, hate the way you look, lose fat" rinse repeat cycle.

    Make sure you don't push out on the belt.

    +1You can counter the effects of pushing on the belt with working hard on pulling the vacuum and developing those muscles as well. But its better to have the vacuum work pulling your abs in when you're concerned about waist size.



    Cool. Totally working on my vacuuming ability!So what is the point of the belt :/ ?Wow. 7 days a week! I'm trying to reduce stress, so that might not be for me. 4 days is fine though.



    I'm going to have to disagree with the whole notion of not pushing in to the belt. The whole idea behind the belt is to help you create more intra-abdominal pressure by having something to push against/restrict the expansion. This video by Bill Hartman of IFAST shows the best way to utilize the belt is to create 360 degrees of pressure ( No need for you to have a belt yet any way. You should be able to create sufficient pressure without it. Just my 2 cents.



    Cool. Totally working on my vacuuming ability!So what is the point of the belt :/ ?Wow. 7 days a week! I'm trying to reduce stress, so that might not be for me. 4 days is fine though.

    The belt replaces your abs. You had it right when you called it a corset. You jack the belt down super tight so it pulls your abs in. The belt will reduce the stabilizing load on the abs by adding to the overall stability of the structure. Don't expect to be doing any massive squats this way though, but you can certainly do it for deadlifts.



    I'm going to have to disagree with the whole notion of not pushing in to the belt. The whole idea behind the belt is to help you create more intra-abdominal pressure by having something to push against/restrict the expansion. This video by Bill Hartman of IFAST shows the best way to utilize the belt is to create 360 degrees of pressure ( No need for you to have a belt yet any way. You should be able to create sufficient pressure without it. Just my 2 cents.

    Did you hear that whooshing sound? That was the point of that particular piece of advice whizzing right past you. Read the whole thought prior to pulling the trigger on the reply button mate.She doesn't want to build intra-abdominal pressure, because she doesn't want a thicker waist. Her goal isn't to be a jacked lifter. Its to look hot, and be stronger than most people might think given her small frame and stature.



    Interesting. I don't want to cultivate weak abs though.



    I think it's a catch 22, I just can't be really strong and look like a Victoria's Secret model at the same time. I think I might have to compromise and go for something in between.



    Did you hear that whooshing sound? That was the point of that particular piece of advice whizzing right past you. Read the whole thought prior to pulling the trigger on the reply button mate.She doesn't want to build intra-abdominal pressure, because she doesn't want a thicker waist. Her goal isn't to be a jacked lifter. Its to look hot, and be stronger than most people might think given her small frame and stature.

    Fair point and I did think about that when replying. I think as long as she focuses on using mostly anit-rotational/stability type abdominal exercises she should be able to keep from getting a blocky waist while still improving her deadlift.



    Damn. That's exactly what I didn't want to hear. I love rotational movements. Single arm row while on back extension with full ROM is one of my favourite exercises – and I can row almost half my body weight as a dumbbell as a result.



    Take a look at this article Fairy ( It should give you some ideas as to what exercises will help you get the body you want.



    Damn. That's exactly what I didn't want to hear. I love rotational movements. Single arm row while on back extension with full ROM is one of my favourite exercises – and I can row almost half my body weight as a dumbbell as a result.

    *Trying not to lose patience here lol*Am I not saying it right?Plank/Side Plank (anti-rotational, stability ab movements) are your ab builders. You won't "cultivate weak abs."Wearing the belt in the manner I described will keep your waist small. Your abs will still be acting as stabilizers, and will still be taxed, but the reflex to drive them out will be eliminated due to the belt's tightness.At this point it seems like you're almost looking for a reason to make this more difficult than it has to be...

    Fair point and I did think about that when replying. I think as long as she focuses on using mostly anit-rotational/stability type abdominal exercises she should be able to keep from getting a blocky waist while still improving her deadlift.

    Right on. I agree. The belt will add a layer of additional insurance though. Its much easier to prevent it than to reverse it.

    Take a look at this article Fairy ( It should give you some ideas as to what exercises will help you get the body you want.

    Ugh. That guy is such a schmuck. That bit about abs is copied almost entirely from a T-Nation, circa 2006, article written by Chad Waterbury. "Roman," and I mean that in the strictest, boy-lover meaning of the word, even copied the same goddamn pictures. his friend, and "future cover model," doesn't have the tiniest of waists.



    Hmm. Wow. It does look like Roman copied Chad's article. Anyway, I went ahead and read both of them and learnt from both of them 🙂 so thank you for linking them. Yup. I have the Britney Spears syndrome, although I never actually tried to build my abs, they just got hit in the cross fire from lifting & climbing.

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Funny Lifting / Dieting Pictures

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