Funny Lifting / Dieting Pictures

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  • #140265

    Jason Berrigan

    Maybe I should change the thread title to thick waist discussion lol. Just kidding, keep on chatting



    Fair point and I did think about that when replying. I think as long as she focuses on using mostly anit-rotational/stability type abdominal exercises she should be able to keep from getting a blocky waist while still improving her deadlift.

    Right on. I agree. The belt will add a layer of additional insurance though. Its much easier to prevent it than to reverse it. <--definitely agree with you here.

    Take a look at this article Fairy ( It should give you some ideas as to what exercises will help you get the body you want.

    Ugh. That guy is such a schmuck. That bit about abs is copied almost entirely from a T-Nation, circa 2006, article written by Chad Waterbury. "Roman," and I mean that in the strictest, boy-lover meaning of the word, even copied the same goddamn pictures. <-- Thanks for the link! This is a much more comprehensive article.Plus his friend, and "future cover model," doesn't have the tiniest of waists.


    Richard Schmitt

    Maybe I should change the thread title to thick waist discussion lol. Just kidding, keep on chatting

    I think you should...



    Maybe I should change the thread title to thick waist discussion lol. Just kidding, keep on chatting

    I think you should...

    It must be me. Happens in damn near every thread I get into lol.And we're back on topic!personal_trainer_career_meme-600x410.jpgcrossfit-fat-kid-meme-generator-he-asked-do-i-even-lift-i-asked-him-does-he-even-crossfit-cc9f01.jpg?1321862078.jpgtumblr_mbnj7sNv0m1rpbajeo1_500.jpgGymMeme17.jpg


    Jason Berrigan




    ^^Guys, you just put yourselves out of a job. I'm running out of reasons/excuses to keep one around!


    Brandon D Christ

    ^^Guys, you just put yourselves out of a job. I'm running out of reasons/excuses to keep one around!

    Tell that to my mom haha.



    Why, are you the chief jar opener in your house?


    Brandon D Christ

    Why, are you the chief jar opener in your house?

    I was when I lived with my parents.  I don't know what she does now that I moved out.



    Lol!It's interesting actually. I used to always ask my ex-boyfriend to open bottles, jars etc for me (I really felt like I couldn't do it -- maybe because I was vegetarian and didn't lift heavy weights?). Now that I'm living with my mum I am the chief jar opener, furniture mover, lightbulb changer etc. Must be something to do with group dynamics.


    Jason Berrigan



    Jason Berrigan




    Think I should avoid reading this thread before I end up filing a few lawsuits!


    Richard Schmitt

    It's a joking thread nothing serious here nor directed to one person



    I know, but those companies saying that cigarettes are healthy for you >.< why haven't they been sued yet?

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 162 total)

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Funny Lifting / Dieting Pictures

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