Funny Lifting / Dieting Pictures

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    Varicose….  shuddervein.jpgfatugly.jpghairpack.jpgOkay okay.. done for the night...







    Fairy... This should piss you off, if not what about this one..  (both are old ads)Lysol1940s.jpg

    Lol 😉 thanks for trying to piss me off. I'm resolving to read through this thread wearing my emWave!



    I remeber that people used to smoke in hospitals, even doctors. Teachers were smoking  in the schools. They even had ashtrays on their desk.

    The good ol days!!! Lol

    You guys are obviously older than me, but I remember when you could smoke in restaurants!  When I was 18 and bussing tables I remember cleaning ashtrays!

    Yeah, that was terrible! I always give smokers dirty looks. If someone sits down near me and starts smoking, I either ask them to move or stand up and promptly move myself. SOOO selfish, rude and anti-social to make other people breathe that shit in.

    I dont smoke, but I believe that this view is an over-reaction to anti-smoking public/media indoctrination. Is it reasonable for someone to give car drivers bad looks and ask them to drive elsewhere when they are walking down the street? I mean its so selfish that they are driving their fat ass around and polluting other peoples air who are walking around and trying to stay healthy! And exhaust fumes from hundreds of thousands of cars in a city is going to be breathed in all day long. Whats really worse, that or 5 minutes of someone smoking near you where you might get a slight smell of tobacco smoke? How can one be so demonized and one so accepted and overlooked? Its just down to how its portrayed in popular media/social circles these days.

    I actually don't know which one is technically worse, but I guess that at least the people driving are trying to do something productive (get somewhere) while the people smoking are doing something destructive and unpleasant and they don't have to do it near me so they shouldn't.


    Brandon D Christ

    Well Fairy, to be honest, I think most people don't care so the smoker probably isn't aware that he is annoying you.  While I prefer people don't smoke around me, it really isn't a big deal, so I don't say anything.I guess tell them that you don't want them smoking around you.  If they don't listen, then you can call them rude.



    I guess I didn't realize that most people don't care. I tend to hang out with other health freaks so I thought it was normal to get pissed about smokers selfishly polluting the air that you are about to breathe 😉 Thanks for the reality check



    I guess I didn't realize that most people don't care. I tend to hang out with other health freaks so I thought it was normal to get pissed about smokers selfishly polluting the air that you are about to breathe 😉 Thanks for the reality check

    Following behind someone who flicks s burning cigarette butt out the window, pisses me offSent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2



    I guess I didn't realize that most people don't care. I tend to hang out with other health freaks so I thought it was normal to get pissed about smokers selfishly polluting the air that you are about to breathe 😉 Thanks for the reality check

    Ciggarette smoke is nothing compared to all the factories pumping shit into the air. Part of where I live and the town nearby are industrial estates. The town nearby rarely gets direct sunlight because of all the fumes in air.


    Brandon D Christ

    I guess I didn't realize that most people don't care. I tend to hang out with other health freaks so I thought it was normal to get pissed about smokers selfishly polluting the air that you are about to breathe 😉 Thanks for the reality check

    Ciggarette smoke is nothing compared to all the factories pumping shit into the air. Part of where I live and the town nearby are industrial estates. The town nearby rarely gets direct sunlight because of all the fumes in air.

    I'd actually beg to differ.  People who spend years working in bars and other places with heavy cigarette smoke are at a pretty high risk of getting lung cancer.  Probably worse than working in a factory which are pretty heavily regulated in first world countries.  Second hand smoke is pretty nasty if you spend a lot of time around it.  But sitting next to a smoker for a few hours on Friday nights isn't going to kill you.



    I guess I didn't realize that most people don't care. I tend to hang out with other health freaks so I thought it was normal to get pissed about smokers selfishly polluting the air that you are about to breathe 😉 Thanks for the reality check

    Ciggarette smoke is nothing compared to all the factories pumping shit into the air. Part of where I live and the town nearby are industrial estates. The town nearby rarely gets direct sunlight because of all the fumes in air.

    I'd actually beg to differ.  People who spend years working in bars and other places with heavy cigarette smoke are at a pretty high risk of getting lung cancer.  Probably worse than working in a factory which are pretty heavily regulated in first world countries.  Second hand smoke is pretty nasty if you spend a lot of time around it.  But sitting next to a smoker for a few hours on Friday nights isn't going to kill you.

    The factory workers are rarely. if ever, directly exposed to the fumes coming from the factory's silos/chimneys in the same way a person would be exposed to second-hand ciggarette smoke.The point i'm trying to make is that all the smoke and fumes are polluting our air more than any amount of second-hand smoke.I know it's not as harmful as ciggarette smoke, but it can't be good either.

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