Funny Lifting / Dieting Pictures

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    I guess I didn't realize that most people don't care. I tend to hang out with other health freaks so I thought it was normal to get pissed about smokers selfishly polluting the air that you are about to breathe 😉 Thanks for the reality check

    Ciggarette smoke is nothing compared to all the factories pumping shit into the air. Part of where I live and the town nearby are industrial estates. The town nearby rarely gets direct sunlight because of all the fumes in air.

    I'd actually beg to differ.  People who spend years working in bars and other places with heavy cigarette smoke are at a pretty high risk of getting lung cancer.  Probably worse than working in a factory which are pretty heavily regulated in first world countries.  Second hand smoke is pretty nasty if you spend a lot of time around it.  But sitting next to a smoker for a few hours on Friday nights isn't going to kill you.

    The factory workers are rarely. if ever, directly exposed to the fumes coming from the factory's silos/chimneys in the same way a person would be exposed to second-hand ciggarette smoke.The point i'm trying to make is that all the smoke and fumes are polluting our air more than any amount of second-hand smoke.I know it's not as harmful as ciggarette smoke, but it can't be good either.

    Like iBob alluded to its an exposure thing. Thats why I think its silly to be offended by smokers when youre out in public. If you are living in a city (or anywhere in the world really, since this stuff circulates) you are breathing in toxins and pollutants (albiet in minute amounts) all day long. A brief exposure to cigarette smoke aint going to do anything compared with that. But working in a bar without adequate ventilation where people smoke is going to be very detrimental.



    I guess I didn't realize that most people don't care. I tend to hang out with other health freaks so I thought it was normal to get pissed about smokers selfishly polluting the air that you are about to breathe 😉 Thanks for the reality check

    Ciggarette smoke is nothing compared to all the factories pumping shit into the air. Part of where I live and the town nearby are industrial estates. The town nearby rarely gets direct sunlight because of all the fumes in air.

    I'd actually beg to differ.  People who spend years working in bars and other places with heavy cigarette smoke are at a pretty high risk of getting lung cancer.  Probably worse than working in a factory which are pretty heavily regulated in first world countries.  Second hand smoke is pretty nasty if you spend a lot of time around it.  But sitting next to a smoker for a few hours on Friday nights isn't going to kill you.

    The factory workers are rarely. if ever, directly exposed to the fumes coming from the factory's silos/chimneys in the same way a person would be exposed to second-hand ciggarette smoke.The point i'm trying to make is that all the smoke and fumes are polluting our air more than any amount of second-hand smoke.I know it's not as harmful as ciggarette smoke, but it can't be good either.

    Like iBob alluded to its an exposure thing. Thats why I think its silly to be offended by smokers when youre out in public. If you are living in a city (or anywhere in the world really, since this stuff circulates) you are breathing in toxins and pollutants (albiet in minute amounts) all day long. A brief exposure to cigarette smoke aint going to do anything compared with that. But working in a bar without adequate ventilation where people smoke is going to be very detrimental.

    You can't smoke in public places here, that has been fantastic..  I grew up with two pipe smokers and the smoke in the house would be visable at least 3-4 feet from the ceiling, I would lie on the floor.. We get the drift of pollutants from the midwest, you can see it and if you look at at various locations for the monitoring of the atmosphere..  It impacts our air quality, trees, water quality, and erodes marble gravestones..  Can't be seen, but can't be good either..


    Brandon D Christ

    The only thing I don't like about banning smoking is that I think it should be up to the owner of the establishment to decide if he want's his business to have smoke in it.  What should be required is adequate ventilation so the air quality is workable for the employees.



    The only thing I don't like about banning smoking is that I think it should be up to the owner of the establishment to decide if he want's his business to have smoke in it.  What should be required is adequate ventilation so the air quality is workable for the employees.

    X2 One thing I dislike about any government coming in and making bans like this is that it does take away from personal choice. And while we can all agree smoking is bad for you, when they can take away one thing how long before they take away another (max soda size in NY for example) Basically I fear for the safety of my beloved grassfed steak! Some countries like Norway have a higher tax on fast food. But how long before some braintrust determines that red meat is the biggest threat and becomes more villified, taxed and ultimately banned.


    Brandon D Christ

    The only thing I don't like about banning smoking is that I think it should be up to the owner of the establishment to decide if he want's his business to have smoke in it.  What should be required is adequate ventilation so the air quality is workable for the employees.

    X2 One thing I dislike about any government coming in and making bans like this is that it does take away from personal choice. And while we can all agree smoking is bad for you, when they can take away one thing how long before they take away another (max soda size in NY for example) Basically I fear for the safety of my beloved grassfed steak! Some countries like Norway have a higher tax on fast food. But how long before some braintrust determines that red meat is the biggest threat and becomes more villified, taxed and ultimately banned.

    Yea I totally agree.  If the gov't was taxing foods that they deemed unhealthy, we would all be chopping off two arms for our grass fed beef instead of just one.  And you could probably just forget about backloading with the good stuff.


    Richard Schmitt

    I'm a Firsthand Carnivore as well


    Jason Berrigan



    Jason Berrigan




    Not a funny picture.. but a thought provoking one..


    Jason Berrigan





    Love this guy...  Vermonter... 



    Would someone explain the creatine joke to me...?

    Heroin comes in the form of a powder. You put the powder on the spoon and heat the lighter under the spoon and it becomes a liquid at which point it is injected intravenously . Because the leading Broscientists around the world seem to refer to creatine as a steroid, the ensuing joke is essentially that the laymen in the picture overdosed on creatine, much like a heroin addict could and/or would.


    Jason Berrigan

    happy valentines day



    happy valentines day

    Damn. I wish there was a 'like' button!



    happy valentines day

    Fuck that I want those carbs. LolI'd give a girl diamonds if she promised to feed me for life. Lol CNS/CBL style food only.

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