Funny things the opposite sex has said to you

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    Figured I would start a random topic about this. We all have had the opposite sex(or same sex in some cases) say something that just made you laugh out loud.Today I sent a message to a girl on a dating website. I simply asked what kind of movies she liked. Her profile was plain jane and didnt have much to comment on. Her reply was "back off sack of meet" haha.Figured it would be a good idea to get a good laugh.



    Figured I would start a random topic about this. We all have had the opposite sex(or same sex in some cases) say something that just made you laugh out loud.Today I sent a message to a girl on a dating website. I simply asked what kind of movies she liked. Her profile was plain jane and didnt have much to comment on. Her reply was "back off sack of meet" haha.Figured it would be a good idea to get a good laugh.

    wow, she definitely has great communication skills!



    A few months ago a guy came up to me in the gym and told me to stop working out because I am already perfect. That stumped me. I was like fuck, I can't disagree with him because I don't want to put myself down, but I also don't want to stop working out. So, I said: Thank you, but I like working out 🙂 and put my earphones back in and continued working out.



    Figured I would start a random topic about this. We all have had the opposite sex(or same sex in some cases) say something that just made you laugh out loud.Today I sent a message to a girl on a dating website. I simply asked what kind of movies she liked. Her profile was plain jane and didnt have much to comment on. Her reply was "back off sack of meet" haha.Figured it would be a good idea to get a good laugh.

    wow, she definitely has great communication skills!

    It was something else. Just because you live in Georgia doesnt mean you have Southern hospitality haha. Some of the girls are there are just plain rude case in point.

    A few months ago a guy came up to me in the gym and told me to stop working out because I am already perfect. That stumped me. I was like fuck, I can't disagree with him because I don't want to put myself down, but I also don't want to stop working out. So, I said: Thank you, but I like working out 🙂 and put my earphones back in and continued working out.

    Haha wow that is pretty funny. I dont even know how to comment on that haha.


    Tiago Nicolau

    The owner of my gym once came to me while i was doing a standing up military press and said for me to stop it since a woman was staring at me shaking in fear…And she really was scared, now i dont know why, mybe she thought i was going to go hulk mode and throw the barbell to her!



    The owner of my gym once came to me while i was doing a standing up military press and said for me to stop it since a woman was staring at me shaking in fear...And she really was scared, now i dont know why, mybe she thought i was going to go hulk mode and throw the barbell to her!

    Haha you might want to find a new place to work out. Definitely sounds like a place I would refer to as a fitness center and not gym haha.


    Tiago Nicolau

    Sadly it is the only gym i have,It only sins because of the lack of a rack, because it has all the other old school machines and free weight,The bad thing is that the owner is a retarded guy, who thinks its a favor to us to be there,I love the gym, but hate the people there,I can make a alternative rack with steppes and works just fine(today i done regular squats due to that), but i cant change the people there lol



    Sadly it is the only gym i have,It only sins because of the lack of a rack, because it has all the other old school machines and free weight,The bad thing is that the owner is a retarded guy, who thinks its a favor to us to be there,I love the gym, but hate the people there,I can make a alternative rack with steppes and works just fine(today i done regular squats due to that), but i cant change the people there lol

    Don't worry it is how most of us feel who don't belong to a gym. I also go to a fitness center. Last time I deadlifted I had an older guy come over and ask how my back feels the next day. Plus people try and talk to me while I am standing in front of the bar about to pull. Some people just don't understand.


    Tiago Nicolau

    In june im thinking of trying a fitness center that has a true rack,less machines and free wheight but i dont need much heavy weights anyway,the plus is the jacuzzi and sauna for a good vaso dialtation since i suffer from neck stiffness and trapezium stiffness,All i care is a squat rack, a bench and few basic machines, and i can be settled 😀

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Funny things the opposite sex has said to you

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