Gastric By Pass type procedure & CNS/CBL

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    Andrew Kalocai

    A co-worker of mine recently went through the gastric by pass type of surgery and of course lost a bunch of weight and is disciplined about his diet. He's interested in lifting weights in the near future.  I was talking to him about how well I liked CBL but I wasn't sure how it would work with the smaller stomach area and the fasting/gorging that sort of goes on with CBL/CNS.  Anyone have ideas on this?  There appear to be dietary restrictions and I'm wondering if the small stomach can absorb the nutrients fast enough. 


    He can of course follow CBL or CNS, he just wont be able to eat much and having that surgery will have some possible negative impact on him for the rest of his life.


    Andrew Kalocai

    I was hoping for a little more information.  Another CBL'er and I were concerned that a person who has undergone that type of procedure won't be able to eat enough food to cause the evening insulin spike due to their stomach being much smaller.



    I was hoping for a little more information.  Another CBL'er and I were concerned that a person who has undergone that type of procedure won't be able to eat enough food to cause the evening insulin spike due to their stomach being much smaller.

    Volume doesn't matter and corn syrup can and will create the spike needed without taking up any room. Doesn't take much to figure out how to get the job done when you really think about it.


    Richard Schmitt

    I was hoping for a little more information.  Another CBL'er and I were concerned that a person who has undergone that type of procedure won't be able to eat enough food to cause the evening insulin spike due to their stomach being much smaller.

    Volume doesn't matter and corn syrup can and will create the spike needed without taking up any room. Doesn't take much to figure out how to get the job done when you really think about it.

    +1!Using leucine in a higher dose will also help, from the Q&A Podcast, so providing you'll get a nice whole meal in as I'm sure that'll be a craving, using products like dextrose, leucine, or the corn syrup as an example was mentioned, will indeed get that insulin spiked.


    Andrew Kalocai

    Thanks for the additional information. I've only be CBL'ing for about 6 months and trying to pass good information on. 


    Brandon D Christ

    For most people I don't think it will be much of an issue, especially if you stick to dense calorie/carb sources.  However, if your friend wanted to get massive he would have some trouble, but most people don't get anywhere near there.

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Gastric By Pass type procedure & CNS/CBL

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