General Gym Admirations

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    Im another one that has a gym at home. I built my own squat rack, and have some other stuff set up, and I just love it compared to actually going to a gym. I crank on some tunes, or throw on a movie, and train away. One of the best things I have is a heavy bag. Have a bad day, throw some gloves on and smash away on a heavy bag for awhile, it feels great! Specially with a little Metallica blasting away!

    Pictures!  I just love the look of homemade equipment!

    Give me a day or two, and Ill post a pic for ya. I didnt ever get it all cleaned and nice looking, and the ol lady is pushing me to do that, so right now I actually have it in my garage right now torn down, trying to get the aluminum to look a little nicer then how it did in its "sitting in my shop dirt" look!



    Heres a couple pics, hope they work. rack2_zps806d724a.jpgrack1_zps7321978e.jpg


    Brandon D Christ

    Very impressive!  Did you do all the welds yourself?  Also what type of metal did you use?



    One thing I was curious about:  did you weld on mounts for the bar?  Of course, I'm not a pro-lifter, so there may be some technique (perhaps the arm-carry squat) that doesn't make it a necessity.


    Tiago Nicolau

    What are the six things you love most about your gym?- Free weights- big adjacent room for classes all covered in mirrors and pilate's teraputical balls- some old school machines- opens at 6:30 am sometimes even earlier and closes at 10 pm- opens in the weekends even if only in the morningWhy did you choose your gym?- its the only one in this island with free weights, all the others are "fitness health clubs"What's cool about your gym- tbh there is not much i like there mostly because of the owner, old guy stuck in his old ways and interfering with my WO.. Have you ever seen anyone doing something that inspired you at your gym?- yes, my former wingman, he was the one who teached me the discipline and basics, he was a competitor for ifbb so he inspired and awed me a lot before he left for the MainlandMy gym could be soooo much better if the owner would listen to the real BB wich are few,being the only wight lifting gym in the island, theres a lot of bad people there, mostly bouncers and "rednecks", so its a heavy enviriornment to be..And not having a squat rack...jesus i will never get usued to that lolI envy those who have a close home gym with the basics lol



    Very impressive!  Did you do all the welds yourself?  Also what type of metal did you use?

    Thanks man, appreciate it! I welded everything myself. Some of the welds I had to grind and reweld a few times.Im not that bad of a welder, but I used aluminum, and have never welded aluminum before, hence the extra work. It turned out ok, but if you look close there is some crappy looking welds still haha. For material I used 2x2 aluminum tubing, 3/16 thick. I work at a place that sells that stuff so I got it for a song and dance.

    One thing I was curious about:  did you weld on mounts for the bar?  Of course, I'm not a pro-lifter, so there may be some technique (perhaps the arm-carry squat) that doesn't make it a necessity.

    I didnt have those on the rack when I took the picture, but basically I took a couple chucks of 2.5 inch channel, and made my own mounts to hold the bar. I drilled holes so I could move the bar height from squatting to military press, to bench press height, cause thats all I really need the rack for right now. For safety I have two chunks of chain that wrap around the top of the rack, and slide over the end of the bar. Its kinda crude looking but works like a charm, and sure beat the hell out of drilling a bunch of holes for safety bars. Just looks a little worse. Bonus it has the chain clank which makes ya feel like a real man when your lifting hahaIve been lifting weights for about 23 years now, since I was ten years old. Im no pro by any means, and I NEVER got into squatting. I tore my acl back in 08 working in the oil patch, and since then decided that I have been silly about not working my core and legs, and need the rack to play catch up.

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General Gym Admirations

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